Ivan The Mechanic

Ivan owns and operators Ivan's Rustpot Scrapyard in Rancho Coronado. From here, Ivan operates a chop shop/black market for vehicles. He runs the place with his 4 sons: Lev, Lavro, Lex, and Letov. Ivan stays quiet to new comers. He requires reference of who sent them to him. He knows quite a few fixers throughout the city and is in good standing with most. He can get you want you want or scrap any vehicles, no questions asked. Ivan is older and walks with a bit of a limp. However, his sons are beasts of men which leads to many patrons being a little initimidate with thier encounters. Ivan is a business man to the point where as long as the money is good and coming from a reliable source, he will not sell out that revenue to a higher paying, untrustworthy source. You treat him good and well paid, he will return the favor.

Old timer that runs a scrapyard/garage. Able to get vehicles, no questions asked.

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Night City
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