Kronos Gigs

The team has been hired by the fixer named Kronos to take care of a Columbian hit team that he as well as some of his friends dealt with.

Plot points/Scenes

Team was able to infilitrate the Columbian consulate to steal data on where the yacht Celeste was anchored. With the data decrypted, they scouted on the yacht.
During the Chinese New Year celebration, the team struck. Taking a zodiac out to the edge of detection, Pete and Phobos dived to plant the charges to stink the boat. The guards became alert to their presence but were not able to react quick enough and the team was able to get away as the yacht exploded.
Upon delivering the news to Kronos, he offer another followup to the mission, go and kill the Columbian hit team. He believes they will be making their escape using a drug smuggling operation and will seek to fly out on the next shipment. He is tracking the detes for the team.



  • Get the data from the columbian consulate
  • Destroy the yacht
  • Find and terminate the hit team



  • Kronos
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