Marissa Bailey


Marissa has been stationed on ESA Orbital Penitentiary 6V for the past 3 years. She runs the station with an iron fist and has little patience with the inmates. She has another 2 years on this contract before she is elligible to transfer to one of the O'Neil colonies or Luna. She dislikes the warden, Marcus Fulton, as she is quite aware of the kickbacks and bribes he takes. She will often take out her frustration on the prisoners.

She is a Lun Sauti and grew up on Tycho. She joined up with Interpol to better her life. She is often called a MTumwa for turning her back on the people.

Captain of the guard on ESA Orbital Penitentiary 6V. She is stoic, loyal, and can be harsh with retribution.

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Character Portrait image: Cpt Marissa Bailey