Papa Doc

Papa Doc is about 54 years old. His career started off in the army. His father was a lifer so Papa Doc followed. In the army he learn to become a field medic then a doctor. His true love was in research which he got involved with developing pharmacuticals for the army. After a few years he was hired away by a company, BMS Surgical. He spent most of his mid life working for BMS but thing changed drastically 15 years ago. He started having an affair with the CEO's wife. When it was discovered he was blackball from the medical corporation community. His life went down hill from there. He started drinking heavily and experimented with drugs. When he hit bottom a change came over him and he started his crawl back. Now he's working for Trauma Team as a medic on a response team. He loves the low profile, because of his side business. Papa Doc's biz is into his own tailored made pharms, new and modified cyberwear, and being a ripperdoc. He is willing to do whatever you want done, no questions asked. He has a following from many of the gangs in Night City along with a lot of edgerunners. He is friendly to everyone he meets as long as they're not pointing a weapon in his direction. Papa Doc home/shop is located near the NCU, in a basement of an apartment building. A Merl's Coffee Shop is located right above it and is where you can make appointments to see Doc.

Grizzled Medtechie of Night City. Works for Trauma Team during the day. At night he picks up extra income as a ripper doc.

Character Location
Papa Doc's Clinic
Current Location
Night City
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Gray mohawk and goatee
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair complexion, with wrinkles.