Cosmic Rust

Microorganisms that devours Cybertonian metals. An infected Transformer starts growing a rust-like substance all over their body. Eventually, the corrosion causes the Transformer to waste away to nothing.

Transmission & Vectors

Cosmic rust resides in asteroids that origin points seem to be from outside of the known universe. It spreads by contact with these asteroids or can lay dormant in any liquid of a planet hit by these asteroids. Contact with an infected will also spread the rust as well.


Initial symptoms of the disease is a feeling of soreness like a joint being slower to move than normal. Stage two leads to discoloration of patches of the Cybertronian infected, turning the color of normal rust. Stage three is the discolored patches turning from a solid to a semi-solid sandy state. Stage four is the rust rapidly transforming the rest of the weaker metals of the bot into rust-causing insanity and then death.


Treatment of the early stages is to remove if possible the effected parts and subject them to melting to hopefully destroy the disease. Later stages are similar but require total patient destruction as the rust while not effecting the inner workings at first has already infected them.
Extremely Rare


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