Assassin in Cynkard | World Anvil
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Restricted races: Mamoona, Volken

Assassins are a rare sub-class of Thieves; they are trained killers, members of secret guilds and societies of their kind. As an Assassin, you begin the game as a very minor member of the nearest Assassins’ Guild, a secret organization to which you and your fellow Assassins have given dire oaths and pledges of loyalty. The first rule of the Assassins’ Guild, one might say, is that no one talks about the Assassins’ Guild. You are not an indiscriminate killer for hire, for the guild strictly regulates the actual assassination missions its members are permitted to undertake. As an Assassin-adventurer, you provide your allies with a mixture of thieving skills and combat capabilities, although you are not as proficient with thieving skills as a true Thief, nor are you truly a front-line fighter. However, your ability to disguise yourself can be of great advantage in certain situations, and your ability to use poisons and poisoned weapons can often turn the tide in a desperate combat.

Poison Mastery

Assassins specialize in the use of poisons, Starting at 1st level the poisons you employ double their damage output and the DC of saving throws of poisons you use is increased by 5.

Improved Sneak Attack

Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction.
Once per Attack action or Opportunity Attack, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.
You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
The extra damage increases by 1d6 at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20. You can only Sneak Attack creatures that have a discernible anatomy.

Danger Sense

You have an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren’t as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge away from danger.
At 3rd level, you are not attacked with advantage by thieves when surprised.
In addition, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against traps. To gain this benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Find Traps

Assassins may make Wisdom (Perception) checks to search for traps, including magical traps. The DC to find a magical trap is equal to the spell’s saving throw DC. Other characters may attempt such checks, but do so with disadvantage.
To find a trap, you spend time intently studying and searching an area to deduce possible trap locations. It takes one round to locate a trap in a specific area such as a lock or a doorknob, and one minute to locate traps in a 5’ by 5’ foot area.
A successful Wisdom (Perception) check indicates you find a trap, if one is present. If multiple traps are in an area, your Wisdom (Perception) check is applied against all traps in the area.


Thieves rely upon agility and deftness in order to avoid engaging in toe-to-toe combat with opponents. While heavy-armored fighters and hardy barbarians are able to trade blows in melee, thieves must make the most out of their maneuverability in order to stand a fighting chance in combat.
Beginning at 4th level, you add 1 to your armor class when wearing light armor and no more than lightly encumbered. At levels 8 and 15 this bonus to armor class increases by 1.


Starting at 5th level, you move full speed when making Strength (Athletics) checks to climb, Dexterity (Stealth) checks to move silently, and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to maintain your balance on narrow or slippery surfaces.

Read Languages

At 6th level you gain proficiency in the Ciphers skill.
If you already have proficiency in Ciphers, you gain another language skill of your choice (subject to DM approval).

Improved Danger Sense

At 8th level, you gain Improved Combat Sense and can no longer be Sneak Attacked when surprised.


At 10th level and higher you take no damage, instead of ½ damage, when you make your Dexterity saving throw against breath weapons, traps, or spells such as Fireball. On a failed save you only take half damage.

Read Magic

At 12th level you can use the Ciphers skill to read scribed spells as if you had cast the Read Magic spell. You can read at the rate of 1 page per minute. The DC of this check equals 12 + the spell's level. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect. You may cast any spell that you have successfully read. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and the scroll itself crumbles to dust.
This ability may also be used to identify a Glyph of Warding, an Improved Glyph of Warding, or any Symbol spell with an Intelligence (Ciphers) check. The DC of this check is equal to (12 + the spell’s level). As such a 3rd level spell, such as Glyph of Warding, would have a DC of 15.

Greater Danger Sense

At 14th level you get Greater Danger Sense and are no longer vulnerable to Sneak Attacks under any circumstances.
Credit: Rehail
Ability Requirements: Strength 13, Dexterity 13 and Intelligence 13
Hit Die Type: d8
Alignment: Any non lawful: neutral, neutral good, neutral evil, chaotic neutral, chaotic good or chaotic evil
Weapon Proficiencies: Battleaxe, blowgun, bolas, club, dagger, dart, light hammer, hand axe, hand crossbow, heavy flail, heavy mace, light crossbow, longsword, javelin, mace, morningstar, pick, rapier, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortbow, short sword, sling, spear, trident, warhammer, war pick and whip
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor and shield
Skill Proficiencies: Performance (acting), Disguise, Poison and Stealth, plus any 2 of the following: Athletics, Acrobatics, History, Insight, Language (Thieves' Cant), Perception, Performance (any), Profession (any), Sleight of Hand and Survival
Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features
1 +2 Poison Mastery, Improved Sneak Attack (+1d6)
2 +2
3 +2 Danger Sense, Find Traps
4 +2 Dodge (+1), Improved Sneak Attack (+2d6)
5 +3 Fleet-Footed
6 +3 Read Languages
7 +3
8 +3 Improved Danger Sense, Improved Sneak Attack (+3d6)
9 +4
10 +4 Dodge (+2), Evasion
11 +4
12 +4 Read Magic, Improved Sneak Attack (+4d6)
13 +5
14 +5 Greater Danger Sense
15 +5
16 +5 Improved Sneak Attack (+5d6)
17 +6 Dodge (+3)
18 +6
19 +6
20 +6 Improved Sneak Attack (+6d6)

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