The Avezahlian Calendar
The Cynosian Standard
The Avezahlian calendar, also called the Cynosian calendar or the wizards' calendar, it a system of measuring the year and the changing of the seasons devised by the Intarian astronomer Avezahl in the year 6500 BDB. Avezahl was the first to correctly interpret, track and invent a formula for the passage of the The Elemental Planes over Cynos, which are responsible for the changing of seasons across the planet. Within the same system, he correctly incorporated the orbits of Ashra and Boda around Cynos, which were the cause of the lengthening and shortening of daylight hours across the globe.
His result was a calendar year composed of twelve thirty-day months. To name his months, Avezahl used a combination of the Eight Lunar Schools of Magic, which are arranged in the year as they are in Boda's lunar cycle, and of the the Elemental Planes, based on the time at which they exert their maximal influence over his homeland, Intaria.
The Calendar
Each month comprises exactly thirty days, the duration of one complete lunar cycle. The full moon is always on the 15th of the month. From first to last, the days of the week are called Undas, Dodas, Tredas, Quadas, Quindas, Hedas, Sedas, Odas, Nodas and Dedas.Spring
The start of the calendar year. Spring commences in the northwestern semihemisphere. The Elemental Plane of Earth is midway through it's passage over Intaria.Concella
The first equinox of the year. The Elemental Plane of Earth is giving way to the Elemental Plane of Fire over Intaria.Conjora
The Elemental Plane of Earth has passed Intaria completely, leaving now only the Plane of Fire. Spring ends in the northwestern semihemisphere.Summer
Summer commences in the northwestern semihemisphere. The Elemental Plane of Fire is midway through it's passage over Intaria.Tranota
The summer solstice and the longest day of the calendar year in the northwestern semihemisphere. The Elemental Plane of Fire is giving way to the Elemental Plane of Air over Intaria.Evocia
The Elemental Plane of Fire has passed Intaria completely, leaving now only the Plane of Air. Summer ends in the northwestern semihemisphere.Autumn
Autumn commences in the northwestern hemisphere. The Elemental Plane of Air is midway through its passage over Intaria.Vizera
The second equinox of the year. The Elemental Plane of Air is giving way to the Elemental Plane of Water over Intaria.Abjura
The Elemental Plane of Air has passed Intaria completely, leaving now only the Plane of Water. Autumn ends in the northwestern semihemisphere.Winter
Winter commences in the northwestern semihemisphere. The Elemental Plane of Water is midway through its passage of Intaria.Enchana
The winter solstice and the longest night of the calendar year in the northwestern semihemisphere. The Elemental Plane of Water is giving way to the Elemental Plane of Earth over Intaria.Necrota
The end of the calendar year. The Elemental Plane of Water has passed Intaria completely, leaving now only the Plane of Earth. Winter ends in the northwestern semihemisphere.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild