A soldier of the Dawn Legion, a shieldcaptain watches over small groups of Vedette, also known as town guard.
Needs to have proven themselves in the line of defense, or commended by a Realmsguard or someone of an even greater rank.
Generally, only humans or high elves are chosen for this task. A law prevents any half-breeds from raising to this rank, therefor barring them entry into higher ranks as well.
Any Realmguard can name a new shield or swordcaptain at any time if necessary, but the Shieldcaptain isn't truly recognized until they travel to the Dawn Legion fortress and receive the necessary judgement from the superior officers.
Protect the kingdom, fight monsters and crime. Ensure piety is upheld in all places.
Accoutrements & Equipment
The title comes with the normal Dawn Legion Vedette outfit, which means warm yellow colors as well as a chain shirt. The three-pointed star on the chest is replaced by a four-pointed one, and the shieldcaptain is allowed to wear magical items that are visilbe on the outside. They also each have a special amulet that identifies them as a Shieldcaptain when challenged.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
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