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Player: Devon

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arella is tall and strong. She has a muscular body built from years of physical training.

Identifying Characteristics

A large pair of pointed ears, a head of floofy curly hair, glowing gold eyes, and henna tattoos along her arms. Her brown skin shimmers with gold undertones in the sunlight, and the tips of her hair seem to shine gold as well.

Special abilities

Arella can make a halo and a pair of wings appear on her person at will.

Apparel & Accessories

Arella favors apparel that is loose, flowing, and adorned with gold leaf jewelry when she is preforming or is attending an upscale event (like a wedding *cough* *cough*). She otherwise wears standard traveler's clothes in an attempt to be at least somewhat inconspicuous, which proves difficult due to her Aasimar features. She also has bandage wrappings around her hands and wrists.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arella was raised by the Tailors of the Veil, along with her Tiefling twin sister Elora. The two grew up together near the crack in the wake that created them, which they were told they were being trained to help seal.   As the Tailors were preparing the ritual of sacrifice, Elora overheard their plot. She chose to flee on her own, without confiding in Arella. Elora was ultimatly caught by the Tailors, helped by Arella.   When Elora was killed in the sacrifice, Arella felt as if a part of herself died along with her. Only then did she finally realize what the Tailors were doing was wrong. With the divine assistance of Acdona, escaped the cult and fled to to Asaraz (the capitol of Suhul).

Gender Identity



Arella has never been with another person sexually, due to a pretty intense lack of trust in other people. That being said, she finds herself mostly attracted to men. However, Sahira in particular has recently made her question her sexuality.


Arella was mostly educated about the ways of the world by the Tailors of the Veil. Given their history of lies and deciet, she isn't sure how much of what they told her is actually true.


Until recently, Arella was self-employed a street preformer. After saving a noble child from being hit by a passing cart, she was offered a job as a nanny. It was an offer she couldn't refuse.

Mental Trauma

Arella is immensely guilty about the part she played in the sacrifice of Elora.

Morality & Philosophy

Arella believes in doing the right thing, no matter how much of a pain in the ass it is.


Family Ties

Arella has no family ties.

Religious Views

Arella is highly skeptical of organized religion, but as an individual she feels that she owes Acdona her life.

Social Aptitude

Arella is wonder to behold when she's preforming, and enjoys effortlessly being the center of attention, much like she was as a child. But, once the dancing stops, she has trouble interacting with others on a personal level, to the point where she can come off as socially awkward or aloof.

An Enlightened Paladin who may or may not be running from her problems. Arella is an Aasimar who has been charged by the god Acdona to stop Tiefling sacrifices in Sraebadah. Will she answer the call?

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Arella bears no titles.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft
250 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"They killed my sister. Well, I helped them kill her actually."
Known Languages
Sraebadahn (common), Nagaji, Elvish, Sign Language

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I Need to Keep it Together

Ever since I was picked up by the nobility, my life has kind of felt like a dream. I've been out of my depth here, and honestly I'm starting to get sick of it. This insanity with the mirror world hasn't made anything better. We have to untangle this crazy mystery, but between all the pinching and reflections or lack thereof, I've had trouble just keeping up.   So I decided to follow Alakabiades out the window. He seems fairly learned, so I was hoping that he might be able to help me understand our situation a little better. But he might just be crazy, so in future I think I'll stick with Vadeem. At least he has kind eyes.   But from in the sky, when we looked out at the ocean, it was black. Strange...and eerie. Then we landed by our group, but they barely noticed us. It looked like they were fighting. For whatever reason, we're all stuck together for now. If we don't figure out how to have some trust and maybe a little patience, we're going to end up killing each other. The trust thing goes double for me. I've done my best not to rely on anyone else ever since I left the Tailors, but now my life depends on it.   I can't die here. If I do, than my quest won't mean anything. Can Emine really help me? Or maybe Vadeem? Getting an Emir on the pro-teifling side doesn't sound like a bad idea. I want to stay on the good side of royalty as much as I can.   We also found Hasana, but something is wrong. And the children are on to me, which doesn't bode well. I've never been great with kids, but the ones on this side are straight up creepy. Everything here just feels off. I haven't "switched" yet, they way the others have described, and I'm going to try and not worry about what will happen if I do...


I am starting to regret getting involved with royalty. The moment that noble father saw me, halo shining, cradling the child I'd just saved from cart-wheel-to-face-death at the Bazar, he couldn't resist hiring a literal angel to be his family's nanny. And I know they're called NObility, but his offer was so good that I couldn't tell him no.   So, I spent the last few days of my life chasing down kids during a week long wedding party. But tonight thing just got even weirder. I had dinner sitting adjacent to Alakazamalam or whatever, which was already strange, and then across from was weird eyeball (Sallah? More like so long! Stop getting me into trouble!) and this blue faced guy Vadeem who is apparently???? An Emir?????   And then, long story short, we all got trapped in a mirror. For several days.   I really thought this job was worth it, but it's proven to be totally stressful! I would honestly blow this gig and go back to the streets, but I 'm still curious about Emine. I wonder if she can help me fulfil my duty to Acdona? I haven't thought about it in a while, Acdona's prodding has been a little less gentle lately...   Plus, Hasana is still missing. I don't know how we're going to find her now that the mirror is broken, but it wouldn't feel right to just leave without trying to help.


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Aug 8, 2021 18:51

The true orator of our age!

Aug 8, 2021 19:01

Ha ha ha