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Vadeem al-Atar

Emir Vadeem al-Atar

Vadeem is the fourth born son of and third born child of Asiya  and Asar al-Atar  was born royal, but grew sickly and disturbed while a child. Kept away from a world that he seemed ill suited for surviving, he was raised a shut in. Now as an adult he has gained a zest for life and a desire to seek out companions not employed by his family. He has been raised inside the capital city of Asaraz for his entire life.    Often finding himself behind in social situations, despite a natural charm, Vadeem tends to forget how important he is. This, by extension, causes him to act in a way unbefitting of his station on occasion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vadeem has a trim, almost lanky physique. Having no need for hard work or any sort of physical toil in his life has left him soft with a gentle touch.

Facial Features

The soft features of a prince act as the backdrop for Vadeem's easy smile and the mischievous glint in his eyes

Identifying Characteristics

His light periwinkle skin makes him easy to pick out in a crowd. His preferred hairstyle is a loose braid over his right shoulder to show off his undercut on the left.

Physical quirks

He has light to dark bags under his eyes, as if he hasn't slept. Whenever he enters a room, he glances to every corner before engaging with anyone there.

Special abilities

As a Psychic, Vadeem has several "tricks" as he would call them.

Apparel & Accessories

His face is covered in piercings of dark metal and purple gems. Chains, bars, and clips jingle quietly with every head motion.   At his side he carries a parasol with a purple top and a dark wood handle. When he opens it it spills shade round him for 20ft.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Masculine, but not in the traditionally Sraebadahn sense. He's planning on fulfilling the wife role in his future marriage.


When his mother asked him this, he was honestly stumped. He'd never thought about it before. He supposed, that it would entirely depend on the person. (See as: Demisexual)


He was taught by a series of the finest tutors in the royal palace in Asaraz. His education was well rounded and robust. His focus on the individual topics may have lapsed here and there but he came out "adequately advanced for his station".

Morality & Philosophy

Life is for Living!
With a newfound zest for life, Vadeem wants to taste the excitement and fun that those around him had talked about. He wants to make friends, have adventures, drink wine, and enjoy himself. He never really got to do that before.   Rules are for breaking!
How does one tell a royal no? Now that he seems to have "recovered himself" in recent months he's been allowed a longer leash to explore the world around him. As long as he brings Hasim.


Do not mistreat a servant or commoner in front of him. He has to be reminded of his rank, he cares even less for yours.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Boats
  • Dim-light
  • Coffee
  • Gossip
  • Games
  • Bright Light
  • Being Managed
  • Sleep
  • The Shadow Lady

Personality Quirks

Practical problem solving begins and ends with stating a desire.


As royalty, Vadeem's hygiene is, and always has been, somebody else's job. So it is currently, very nice.


Contacts & Relations

  • Kulu Hasim: Personal Janissary
  • Basheer Abadi: Childhood Friend/Penpal
  • Sahira al-Atar: Cousin
  • Sallah el-Azzam: Friend
  • Taheer: Friend
  • Emine Esana el-Faiza: Friend
  • Arella: New Friend
  • Anasafalla Sihn Suramir: New Friend
  • Alakabiades: New Friend
  • She: Acquaintance
  • Nehrin al-Atar: Kind Uncle

Family Ties

  • Asarhan al-Atar: Eldest Brother
  • Bortos al-Atar: Elder Brother
  • Zahida al-Atar: Elder Sister
  • Hawa al-Atar: Younger Sister

Social Aptitude


Hobbies & Pets

Vadeem enjoys reading, jewelry making, and building ships in bottles.

Wealth & Financial state

The treasury of Suhul, within reason.

Prince of Suhul, son of Asan al-Atar, and grandson of Emir Asif. Vadeem is a young royal that was born with a magical heritage. Due to his frailties, he has spent most of his life as a shut in.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Spoiled Prince
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The city of Asaraz in Suhul.
Current Residence
The Palace Jezzara
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Periwinkle
Known Languages
Celestial, Draconic, Elvish, Kahlese, Nagaji, Samsaran, Sraebadahn

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On second thought...

This was supposed to be an adventure, not some hall of mirrors to mess with our heads! This started out as quite the curious venture, a magic mirror, a mirrored world, so mysterious. Well it is not nearly as fun anymore! Other versions of ourselves are replacing us, the versions here are off (Like Mirror-Sahira hiding behind her Janissary! Weird.). What's worse, not all of us shift together. Alakabiades and She apparently didn't come back with us the first time, but there was their replacements there. While we were here for most of the night, Emine was not ours either, she stayed in our world but we still got a replacement. And then they switched! (And our Emine punched Sallah because apparently our Sahira asked her to punch Mirror-Sallah. Ugh this is making my head hurt.)   I'm a little lost. I never wanted to dream again and now I seem to be trapped in one. What does Hasana even want in here, did she do this? Or is she just stuck too? Are they reflections or fey creatures disguised as my family and friends? I keep pinching myself, trying to wake up, trying to feel something. This is wrong.   When I said I wanted an adventure I was hoping for some travel, maybe to the floating city of Riyasha, or maybe just up to Muqadas Al'Jibal. But I have to focus. Uncle Nehrin put this on Sallah and it wouldn't be fair to lose it now and leave her with all the work. I need to keep it together.   I wish I had Hasim. Mirror-Hasim has his face.... but he's less... kind? Hasim has always been overwhelmingly gentle, but this Hasim is grumpy and annoyed. Maybe I'm just imagining it, but the other reflections are off too...   I only hope the Mirror-Vadeem wants to come back to his world as much as I want to go back to mine!

A Night to Remember

While at Hasana's wedding, I met the most interesting people! Why, just across the table from me was an Aasimar (Arella) and a foreign dignitary from Doria (Alakabiades). Arella has beautiful shimmery skin and her dancing is quite the sight. Alakabiades seems quite the virtuoso with magic, and quite happy to share it. It was very entertaining to observe them discussing the ham. It tasted fairly normal to me, perhaps it is not a common thing for them?   I was glad that I had Sahira, Sallah, and Emine with me. I tried to make small talk and with Alakabiades thrall (She) at one point and it didn't go well. Over She's shoulder I saw her, the Shadow Lady. She is following me around in the real world now. It startled me so bad I fell back out of my chair. Wonderful Hasim and Sallah closed ranks around me. I don't think it was entirely necessary, The Shadow Lady is only in my head after all. But I fear we may have insulted She though, she seemed... prickly the rest of the night.   Then Hasana disappeared!   At first I thought maybe she'd got nervous and went for some air. Or maybe she fled! I've read that brides do that sometimes. It sounds exciting. When I told Sallah she seemed equally excited, though maybe she wanted to get Hasana in trouble. That's fun too!   We met Anasafala on our way towards the apartments, she sat near us but this is the first time I got to speak to her. My second attempt at small talk went pretty okay, I didn't fall over this time at least. I did almost bow but Sallah stopped me.   I did not, however, get to show off my boat collection. we walked by a mirror in Hassana's family space and got pulled inside! I swear I saw a face in the mirror right before it happened but there was nobody there but us. For some reason Hasim didn't get pulled through. We apparently were pulled into some "Mirror Plane", whatever that means. Hasim got us out though so it turned out alright. It was exhilarating actually. All of a sudden we were in a strange magical place. Just like all those adventure stories I have! Oh I'm so happy I decided to start socializing. People are so much fun!   Shame the mirror broke when we came out. I hope Hasana is alright.


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Aug 8, 2021 19:08

What a neerrrrrrrrd! I've missed forums.

Aug 9, 2021 05:16

Its like reddit except without the anonymity

Aug 13, 2021 18:17

Don't make me feel old.