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ToA PC Creation Notes

Creating a Character

  • Characters are created at the table
  • 4D6, re-roll 1s, take highest 3 (if more than 1 score below 10, re-roll)
  • All standard classes (PHB, XG, TC) plus Critical Role
  • No Twilight or Peace clerics (from TC)
  • All standard races
  • All standard backgrounds (PHB, Sword Coast, XG, TC), plus the 2 ToA backgrounds Archaeologist and Anthropologist

ToA Rules

  • These are based on the plot of ToA....
  • No one can be brought back from death
  • Death saves are 15 ( instead of 10 )
  • A humanoid whose hit point maximum has been reduced cannot increase or restore it by any means
  • Traveling in the jungle will cause DC 15 Con save (disadvantage if wearing medium or heavy armor, or heavy clothing) or gain 1 level of exhaustion per day unless the character has drunk 2 gallons of fresh water that day.

Special Rules

  • The spell Goodberry consumes the spell component (and mistletoe is not native to Chult)
  • Dropping to 0 hit points while in the wilderness/elements also adds 1 level of exhaustion (n/a when in a city, or in a large structure, or a magic shelter)
  • After initiative is rolled, a player can choose a lower initiative number, but never a higher one
  • Variant Human and Feats are available
  • DM rolls navigation, stealth, and perception for players, as well as random encounters. All other rolls by the DM are in the open.
  • Critical hits take max damage from either the base weapon damage in the case of a weapon attack(i.e. 8 for a long sword, or 12 for a great sword), or the first die of damage, and then rolling all others.

Things to Keep In Mind

Some items to consider when making adventurers:   There are plenty of diseases and poisons, even (especially) in the early game.   There are lots of competing factions in Chult, some specific to Chult, and they are often working against each other.   Random encounters are fairly frequent in the jungle.   Lots of adventurers and others have lost many valuable items in the jungle (usually by dying), including food and water.   Even with a guide, navigation - Wisdom (Survival) - in the jungle is an issue. ( A guide does help, though picking the right guide makes a big difference )   There are locations in the game world where certain spells don't function, or function differently. Also, because of the plot of ToA, there are certain spells and class features that might work differently no matter where you are...

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