IRL Play- Rules For Our Home in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

IRL Play- Rules For Our Home

-Dice roll at 8:00pm SHARP. Games end at 11:00pm with a 15 min. buffer to enable dramatic/timely endings. DM will try to end early vs. ending late.
-You are welcome to come at 7pm and stay as late as you like. Know that my kids will still be going down around 7pm so we won't be able to "host" you until the kids are down. After the game is done, your DM can stay up as late as you can, but the Mrs. DM will be going to bed after the game.
-We respect ALL people and we follow "The Golden Rule". We can agree to disagree and still respect each other. This includes respect of women, children, and those less fortunate than ourselves. Shouldn't need to be said, but Sexual Violence of any kind (even in game) in our home or being disrepectful towards women is the quickest way to be asked to leave.
-You are welcome to drink as much as you like; I expect you to be responsible which means hold your liquor and positively no drinking/driving. We have a big house so you are welcome to stay over, but the day you drive drunk from my house is the day you never get invited back.
-You can smoke OUTSIDE only. I have a place for butts. Use it or you can spend the morning picking up butts Don't leave to smoke right when initiative rolls pals.
-If you bring junk food, bring leftovers home with you so we all can stay our current level of roundness.


-Dice, Rolling Trays
-Battle Maps (2D)
-Condition Rings
-Initiative/Stat Trackers
-Printed Character Sheets from D&D Beyond

There are only 3 things I require is that you bring:
1- Your positive attitude and willingness to know your PC, play, and have fun in creative ways.
2- A copy of your character sheet if you have it from previous session. Note above that I'm happy to print a new one out PRIOR to the session.
3- A Notepad/book that you can take notes in.
-Everything else that is required is provided or you can CHOOSE to bring.


-3D Miniatures for your PC (Your DM does not own any nor plans to own any).
-Drinks (Alcoholic or non)