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Poor little Elyra once to be thought as weak. Is no longer. For she had proven to those she once felt to be family. But they were never her true family. She knows this now since she had seen the ill treatment of so, many young girls. Elyra had managed to buy her freedom something her own mother RIP could never do. Her mother Arianna was born to a large family of farmers. Like most peasants they dealt with your typical problems, health, food and the local nobility. When a great famine broke out in their lands, they lost 2 of their children followed by the near death of a 3rd child. They knew they could not carry on anymore like this. They could not feed and cloth their children or themselves so, they sadly sold their younger children in hopes for better life. Elyra's mother Arianna barely remembers her parents. With in the next couple of years she ended up in a local brothel starting by maid work only but, the madam so, she was quite beautiful and eventually added her to her stock of young girls. During these years of service she would give birth to Elyra her oldest and then followed a few years later by another daughter, Elyra's sister. Arianna passed during childbirth but, managed to stay alive long enough to hold the newborn and ask her daughter, Elyra to promise to watch over her sister. Elyra named the new babe Arianna "Ari" after their mother. Since then they've been more like mother & daughter rather than sisters. She kept a close eye on Ari. Elyra managed to buy her own freedom as well as her sister, Arianna's freedom. Shortly after they left to start their new life her sister was taken presumed hired thugs. Every day she is not back with her sister is another day of regret and shame. Elyra hates to think of her young sister Ari in that foul disgusting place.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

A few small scars here and there from mistreatment.

Facial Features

Freckles across the face, slightly pointed ears showing her elvish heritage, almond shaped green eyes, serious facial expression

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a slave & Harlot, grew up in a brothel, lost mother young, raised sister as her own child, bought her own freedom as well as her sister Ari's freedom.

Gender Identity





Poor; able to read & write common


Madame Marie Bohr "Employer"(Former)Brothel; Hartlot (born slave)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Saving enough to buy her and her sister's freedom

Failures & Embarrassments

Her sister being taking while they slept.

Mental Trauma

The Cruelties of living in a Brothel, cruelties of slavery

Morality & Philosophy

Will not harm children.

Personality Characteristics


To set her sister Arianna "Ari" free from bonds.

Likes & Dislikes

Disdain towards males, despises Brothels, hates mistreatment of children and women

Virtues & Personality perks

Will not harm children (no matter price), soft on women

Vices & Personality flaws

A bit sarcastic


Cleanliness (not OCD)


Contacts & Relations

Blooming Cherry Brothel Harlots

Family Ties

Mother Died in Childbirth (mother age 14;Elyra, age 27; Arianna "Ari" Father An unknown Elf Client of her mother Arianna "Ari" younger half-sister (human) 13 years younger Arianna

Religious Views

Gods??? what Gods? you mean those that sit up there on their thrones demanding worship when the poor and downtrodden has prayed to them ALL for years and have done NOTHING! Those Gods? I say HA...Show me a single unselfish deitie and maybe I'll reconsider...prove me wrong!

Wealth & Financial state



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Honorary & Occupational Titles
27 (looks 16)
Date of Birth
The Blooming Cherry Brothel
Current Residence
on the road
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned w/ freckles
Known Languages
Common, Elven (learned from other harlots), Thieves Cant, Orc (learned from Orc bouncers)

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