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Orks are massive, hulking, idiotic, mounds of muscle and bone. They live around 50 years on average, with elders being around 60. They fully mature at the young age of 14, and are at their prime at the age of around 30. They reproduce sexually, and have sapience.


Orks eat almost exclusively red meat. White meat, and fruit are poisonous to Orks. Orks require large quantities of myoglobin, due to their humoungous muscles. Some iron-rich vegetables are proven extremely nutritious to Orks, but most if not all are simply too stupid to figure farming out. The leading cause of death, other than homicide, is poisoning from mushrooms. They can't smell them or tell them apart because of their intellect, so any that find them most likely die.


The anatomy of an Ork is not unlike the other core species, but still as estranged. Their most striking feature is their bright green skin, 6mm thick. it can harden into plates on bigger Orks. They have extremely large tusks on their lower jaw, and razor sharp canines. They have no lips, but are able to say more difficult letters with their advanced throat. The tusks are used for ripping apart through fat, as the canines evolved to kill animals. Small horns are somtimes grown. They didnt evolve noses, unlike the similar Goblins, and so cannot smell. They have strong pheromones that demonstrate when they are in heat or wanting to fight. They have broad square jaws, and wide sharp ears. Not as long or prominent as the Elves, but still moreso than the Dwarves. They have a strong culture about their earrings, having a new bolt for every kill, a new ring for every 10, etc. The tribe leaders have a whole lot of earrings and piercings. It gives the Orks a very jagged, intimidating look. Their eyes are extremely glossy, cataracts being common even in children. Their vision is horrible, and all Orks have protonopia or similar visual ailments. None can see the color red, despite their love for letting blood of their enemies.


Orks are plain stupid. This is present in their culture. The smartest Ork in history is on par with the most stupid Dwarves or Elves. Dumb as rocks would be an understatement. Elves value art, music, intellectualism. Orks value more the material world. Orks love getting fat and muscular. They share a love of mead, and steal a lot from the Dwarves. Despite Ork af Dwarf hating eachother on a racial level, they are both consantly drunk. Orks like building engines of war, massive siege machines made from melted slag and orestone. After the recent advent of gunpowder, Orks made great strides in weapons tech. They made rudimentary blunderbusses, and bombs. Ork stongholds are lined with artillery cannons. They place a high importance on killing enemy soldiers with their huge heavy swords.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Stunted. The smartest Ork is stubborn, ignorant, and stupid.
Scientific Name
Ogron Fortis
50~ years
Conservation Status
At War.
Average Height
7 foot
Average Weight
Average Physique
Extremely muscular and fat.

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