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Luce Virtues

Luce Virtues

Luce is a Satyr Genie warlock and she has a familiar named Hester. Her patron is Shaharazhad an Air Djinn whom Luce trades stories to in return for power and adventure. Luce is chaotic to the core constantly searching for her next story wherever it may be.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Luce is short, but curvy. She is classically satyr with her bottom half being goat legs the same aburn color as her hair. Luce while curvy is clearly fit and sprite like in appearance.

Body Features

Luce has two curing ram horns indicative of her satyr heritage that she redularly adorns and are a point of pride for her. She is fair skinned with freckles smattered across her skin that is mimiced in the smattering of darker spots in the fur of her legs.

Facial Features

Much like her legs Luce's ears also are more goat like than human though her pupils are humanoid rather than oblong horizontally across the center. Her eyes are an amber color with flecks of gold. She has short wildly curly auburn hair that frames her face and seems to float around her horns. She has a pixy like face with a button nose, almond shaped eyes, and a constant smile on her face.

Apparel & Accessories

Luce is often wearing more bohemian style tops in fall colors like rich burnt oranges, deeper maroons, and forest greens. On her lower half she primarily wears skirts with long slits up the side so as not to impede her legs. When in combat she wears leather armor that mimics the style of dress she is most comfortable in. Luce's ears are peirced and she is rarely without some sort of jewelry hanging from both ears and adorning her horns. She prefers to wear belts with pouches rather than bags; though for the sake of adventuring can be seen carrying a small backpack with her essentials.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Luce is originally from the Fey Wild and like many fey is michevious even on the best of days. A few years ago Luce stumbled through a portal that landed her on the material plane where she has been adventuring since. After landing here she caught the attention of her now warlock patron a powerful Djinn, Shaharazad. Like many of her ancestors, Luce is a born performer, her art of choice being story telling. As such she decided to tell stories at a pub near where she stumbled onto the plane in exchange for room and board. After drawing Shaharazad's eye Luce was given a boon and bid to continue to adventure and collect stories with a promise of more. Since then Luce has done everything in her power to follow through and is on the constant hunt for the next story awaiting her.

Gender Identity

Luce was born female and maintains a more tradtionally female presenting exterior though she does not feel obligated to present this way. She is as she is and does not over think it.


Luce is pan. She does not care the form her lovers come in though is more of a casual dater. While not commitment phobic she also knows she gets bored easily and does not ever intend to misconstrue her intentions with those she welcomes into her bed.


Luce is educated though is not a scholar by any means. When learning something new Luce will hyperfixate for a short while until she is ready to pursue the next story. That being said, she is an avid performer and enjoys entertaining whether through story telling or playing the pan flute on occassion. Much of what Luce has learned has been through adventuring and exploration.


Luce is a transient being by nature and such travels often fnding gigs and paid adventures wherever she lands. She is not the kind to stick with a long term employer, preferring the mobile life she has cultivated. Additionally, she is not very motivated by money seeing it more so a means to an end and knowing she can always make more later.

Morality & Philosophy

Luce is chaotic neutral in alignment and her mentaility focuses on what ever will lead to the next adventure and story. She is all for saving the damsel in distress, but is also not against some light BnE. With that being said Luce does have her own ideas of right and wrong and her book of lines she will not cross.

Personality Characteristics


Luce's motivations are often tied to whatever story or adventure she is currently chasing. She relishes in being a witness or even apart of history when applicable. While she is chasing stories she does not care whether she is the main character within them often observing and documenting as adventures unfold around her.

Likes & Dislikes

Luce likes most people and is open to trying most things at least once. She does not care to do the same thing over and over, often getting bored. Luce is the type to hyperfixate on skills or activities for a short while then setting them aside in favor of her next interest. Very classically a jack of all trades, master of none. Luce does not care for people who come off as zealots often finding them too rigid and predicatable to be interesting. Luce loves being in the spot light and performing. She loves bringing smiles to people's faces or tears to their eyes. The more she can make an audience emote the more she feeds off the energy around her.

Personality Quirks

Luce gets along with most people (at least in her mind). She automatically assumes people will love her and is very self confident in how she approaches situations. This confidence can often be misconstrude as arrogance or even naivite though it normally works out in the end so Luce isn't too bothered. At the end of the day Luce loves herself and could care less what other people think. After all she is a treasure and anyone who can't see that is a moron and not worth her time.


Luce prides herself in her appearance and enjoys being clean and put together, especially in regards to her horns. That is to say, she is still willing to play in the puddles while it rains or get dirty when an adventure calls for it. She is not particularly squeemish, but in general prefers to be clean and put together when she can be.


Contacts & Relations

Odette Windrider - The Puzzled Sun half elf bar keep in Wildeburough, Otheo on border with Irdril and Ethad (where Luce landed on material plane)

Religious Views

Whatever will be will be. The Fey Wild will call her home when she is ready.

Social Aptitude

Luce is charismatic and makes friends easily. She is an excellent performer and often is able to find room and board through performing wherever she lands. It helps that Luce is very self assurred and goes with the flow. She will ask permission only so long as she gets the answer she wants, often preferring to prove herself through her talents than talking.


Luce is confident and easy going. She is the quintessential extrovert. She can come across foolish, arrogant, and naive though she is none of those things. Her decision while often quick are thought through. She does not say things she does not mean which also leads to her coming across blunt which can offend those who are used to having their assess kissed.

Hobbies & Pets

Luce has an imp familiar Hester who is sassy and extremely loyal. Hester loves to be called a good girl and is a fan of pretty things and people. (Bemoans is her current favorite of the party)

Luce is a Satyr Genie warlock. Her patron is Shaharazhad an Air Djinn whom Luce trades stories to in return for power and adventure. Luce is chaotic to the core constantly searching for her next story with her imp Hester.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The treasure of the party
Date of Birth
Why do you need to know?
The Fey Wild
Current Residence
The Material Plane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair with freckles
Known Languages
Luce knows common, sylvan from her time in the fey wilds, and infernal so that she can communicate with her imp familiar, Hester, in her native language.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

Compiling our findings

  • 12 people have gone missing
  • only universal connection was Greyon the researcher
  • Looked into 3 cases and Greyon's home
  • Missing child: (3rd abduction)
  • one incident of scratches bigger set near entryway
  • nothing out of place
  • "checked" roof
  • apartment - 2nd story (highest story)
  • Willow (blacksmith's (Silas) wife)
  • taken from balcony
  • balcony is scratched to hell - chaotic
  • trail of scratches and some blood on roof, ending off edge of roof
  • Unnatural silence?
  • Neive's man: (4th abduction)
  • bottom floor of building (3 stories)
  • would case from the roof of the building (no disturbances on roof)
  • found soot marks on ceiling and by door
  • scratches (not same as any other place - clean, much smaller)
  • some signs of disturbance on bed roll and by door
  • Greyon's home:
  • ransacked - items of import taken, Apparatus?, research thrown about, seems to be a mask to hide what was taken
  • people within last week at house
  • no one has slept in bed for about 2+ weeks
  • food about a week old present
  • scratches EVERYWHERE, soot spots also present
  • seems to be the central location
  • Missing Server: (5th abduction)
  • scratches are long and garish
  • no soot
  • no signs of struggle
  • no unnatural silence
  • no scratches on roof
  • same as 1st missing child
  • 2nd missing child: (7th abduction)
  • no scratches at all
  • door unlocked from inside
  • no soot
  • no unnatural silence
  • no signs of struggle
  • Merchant Lady: (most recent disappearance)
  • seemed to have left her cart mid packing up for day
  • no scratches, soot, unnatural silence, or struggle
  • Merchant Man (2nd disappearance)
  • same night 1st child disappeared
  • soot
  • smaller scratches (similar to Nieve's man)
  • Disturbance signs but not like a struggle
  • cart was a bit out of order when found in morning
  • No witnesses
  • Man (6th abduction)
  • same night as 2nd child disappearance
  • soot
  • smaller scratches
  • no signs of disturbance
  • No witnesses
  • 8th Abduction
  • large and small scratches
  • soot
  • no disturbances
  • ET - associated with big scratches
  • Neive's 1st missing man
  • Large scratches
  • no disturbance
  • Conclusions:
  • scratches present in all scenes - no two scenes are identical
  • attacks spread outward from Greyon's home
  • guard seems to be covering up disappearances - at the very least not taking them seriously
  • The Meeting of Tales

    ~5 Years Ago~ Luce was wandering the Fey wild having just performed at a bonfire and trying to find her way back home. However, she had imbibed a bit too much fey wine and was lost. While wandering she stumbled across a beautiful pond that seemed to glow a soft blue light of its own accord and with no obvious source in sight. Though Luce knew that beauty especially such extreme beauty often hides danger she could not help herself from wandering closer to the pond to touch its still and glowing surface. As soon as her finger touched the surface she was pulled through in a vortex of streaming blue until she landed in a strange world less than a heart beat later. Brushing herself off she stood and surveyed her surroundings, seeming to have landed in a forest though not one she recognized. While trying to get her bearings she heard the sound of laughter and merriment, something safe and familiar, and so she followed. A short walk later she stumbled into a square, clearly a small farming village, though wear was another question entirely. Luce followed the road to a brightly lit building with a tattered sign declaring the establishment to be The Puzzled Sun Tavern and Inn. Upon entering she noticed though the place was busy the performer was clearly more interested in the busty barmaid than in entertaining the patrons much to the annoyance of the barkeep. Playing to her strengths and finding an opportunity Luce strode to the stage and did what she does best, began to tell a story. A story of a young satyr lost and in a new place full of the unknown and peril, but also full of hope and opportunity. Immediately the crowd was enthralled, those on their way out pausing to listen and getting pulled back to the bar by the intriging tale, for the best stories are those steeped in truth. After performing, Luce struck a deal with the bar keep, a beautiful half elf woman named Odette Windrider. Luce would perform each night for room and board and could keep any tips she made so long as she brought in customers and encouraged those who were there to stay a little longer. A week later Luce had made fast friends with Odette and had found answers she was looking for such as the fact she had indeed landed in the material plane in a land called Daeodin. She was in a small village called _________ near _______________. While Luce enjoyed her time with those she had met she felt the urge to do more, to explore, to find her next adventure, but was unsure where to begiin. As it turns out Lady Luck was on her side that night, for it was that night she drew the attention of the Djinn, Shaharazaad. Shaharazaad was traveling and happened to have heard rumors of a small satyr with a penchant for telling stories. Being the mother of story telling herself, Shaharazaad was intrigued enough to search out the girl to see if she truly was what the rumors said. Upon entering the tavern Shaharazaad was met with a scene of a petite auburn haired satyr jumping from table to table, somehow not disturbing a single glass, and mantaining every person's attention in the room, as she told the story of battle between a mouse and a dragon. After the Luce had finished telling her tale she returned to the bar and her drink still puzzling over what to do next. It was in that moment she was approached by a stunning, seemingly air genasi woman. She had waist length hair the color of the midnight sky - a deep fathomless indigo- that seemed to fall in waves down her back with the shorter tendrils floating to frame her face. Her skin was soft periwinkle blue clear of any markings or scars. She gazed at Luce with an openly curious gaze though the longer Luce looked into those eyes the more she felt that this woman was not all that she seemed. After introducing herself as Shaharazaad, the mysterious woman asked Luce to tell her another story, one untouched and meaningful in its earnestness. Intrigued by the request Luce thought back to her childhood in the fey wilds and thought of one of the elders in the place she grew up in. A woman of great intelligence and power, but no less mischevious than any other fey. Luce decided to tell her story, a force of nature who shaped the world around her despite its fickle nature and the sacrifice she made to protect the those in the small community they lived in when another sought to take what was not theirs. Touched by the story Shaharazaad knew that Luce was not just a storyteller, but a holder of histories, someone who held power in the stories she told not so unlike herself. The two continued to talk almost as if they were old friends catching up through the night; Luce falling asleep at the booth they had taken up seats in later in the evening. When she awoke the mysterious woman was gone, but in her place was a letter, one that explained that Luce was given a boon in thanks for the beautiful story she had told and that if she continued to collect stories and tell them, Shaharazaad would continue to listen and reward her for them. Realizing she had found her adventure, Luce bid farewell to Odette and those that had helped her and started on her journey to find the next story and the next adventure.

    Luce's Nightmare

    The party is in the thieve's guild resting. Luce is woken by a strange feeling - the nightmare. The party starts immediately into combat within Luce's dream. During the fight: Lynx turns into an ice dragon, the nightmare stomps Darian out of existence after he serves 70 pts worth of dmg in one turn, Bemoans plays a game of chicken (he is the chicken with the nightmare, Morrigan opens a portal to a water realm that results in an old faithful sized geyser in the middle of the room, and Luce works in tandem with Lynx to keep the nightmare from healing. When the nightmare hits half health a pool of black seeps out from it that has hands that grab at Darian, Bemoans, and Morrigan. When Darian lets go of his mortal coil his echo Varian holds him as he fades and is pulled into the darkness made by the nightmare. During the fight Luce thinks she hears yelling in the back of her mind to wakeup, but can't tell if it is her hope that this is just a nightmare or if she truly is dreaming. Bemoans is the next to fall. After the nightmare chucks Lynx into the wall knocking him prone and destroying the bookshelf. After doing this the nightmare moves the darkness to encompass Morrigan and Luce standing on some boxes. Luce is restrained by the darkness as it tries to pull her deeper. Luce summons a fey to aid the battle after more of her party falls prey to the nightmare. After the fey attacks the nightmare it falls to its knees as the final antler crumbles to the ground and emits a blood curdling death throw and the world fades to black as Luce wakes up in her bedroll screaming, drenched in sweat, everyone left having died from that psyonic scream.

    Luce's Journal

    This journal is an accumulation of Luce's adventures and the inspiration she has gained from them. These entries are the seeds to the stories she shares with her patron Shaharazaad in exchange for increased power.


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