
Orrera is a goddess who values duty and loyalty above all else. She is the embodiment of commitment and devotion to one's cause or calling. According to legend, she was once a mortal warrior who was so dedicated to her king and her people that she refused to abandon them even in the face of death. She fought bravely and died honorably, and for her unwavering loyalty, the gods chose to elevate her to divinity.   Orrera is often depicted as a strong and determined woman, clad in gleaming armor and carrying a spear or a mace. She is worshipped by soldiers, knights, and anyone who believes in the importance of upholding one's obligations. Her followers believe that by staying true to their vows and showing unwavering devotion to their cause, they too can earn the favor of the goddess and be granted her strength in battle.   Orrera is also known as the wife of the god Lym. Together, they are seen as a symbol of the balance between duty and passion, stability and unpredictability. It is said that Orrera and Lym complement each other perfectly, and that together they embody the qualities that make for a great leader: strength, resolve, and the ability to inspire.   While Orrera is often associated with martial prowess and bravery, her followers also hold her in high esteem for her wisdom and guidance. She is revered as a deity of guidance and clarity, and is often sought out by those who are trying to find their way in life or make important decisions. Her followers believe that by listening to the voice of Orrera, they can gain the clarity and confidence they need to pursue their goals with unwavering determination.


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