Black Onyx

Black onyx, in your world, is a naturally occurring substance with extraordinary properties. The onyx is extremely rare and comes in a variety of colors: black, gold, red, and translucent, each with its unique attributes. The black onyx is one of the best materials in existence to store magic, it is one of the best materials in existence to store magic, once the process is finished, it not only protects it but also powers up and the material becomes almost indestructible, even immune to the passage of time


Material Characteristics

A deep, rich black stone with a smooth, polished surface. It is often used in jewelry and other decorative objects.

Physical & Chemical Properties

One of the best materials to make magical objects
At least 2 renown artifacts were created with this material:

History & Usage

Everyday use

  • Luxury Jewelry: Due to its beauty, rarity, and durability, magical onyx is highly valued in the creation of exclusive and expensive jewelry. Necklaces, rings, and earrings made of magical onyx are symbols of status and wealth.
  • Precision Instruments: The hardness and precision of magical and non magical onyx make it an ideal material for manufacturing extremely precise measuring instruments, such as scales, rulers, and compasses.
  • Sculptures and Works of Art: Artists and sculptors value black onyx for its beauty and versatility, creating unique and long-lasting works of art. Very few of this exist with the most famuse the "eye of god" in Exor


Law & Regulation

Due to its potential to create powerful magical artifacts, magical onyx is subject to strict regulations. There is a near-total ban on the creation of magical objects with this material, and any object suspected of containing non-divine magic is confiscated by the Minos authorities.

Very rare
Melting / Freezing Point
12.5 g/cm^3
Common State


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