
A desert town know by his slave trade.    Was destroyed by a surge of magic that froze half the town and kilometers of desert.   As normal day in Bolga, the inner town was crawling with people, the firts hours of the day are the more important here cause the gates open to receive the merchants and people that negotiate in the market. At midday, a lot of deals were made, lot of goods change possession and a simple girl that was a free worked in a guild is sold as a slave.   That girl, was all but simple, a close look at her reveals that is the first elf woman born in almost a century. What roll of dice make this happen? The elves are extinct, at least the minotuars and the dwarfs did everything in his power to make it. A clever but unlucky old merchant recognize the opportunity, if he sold the girl to the minos maybe he became rich again, they will be so grateful that he will be an important referendum in the city for the great minotuars.    He bought the girl and commit the grave error to tell her the grim fate he planned for her. Then all was over for the merchant and almost two hundred more persons, suddenly frozen solid, chaos, fear and astonishment struck all town, more when they realize that half the inner city, the market district, the south east walls and door, as several kilometers of desert were cover in ice.   The town has wealth, the repairs began immediately, the rites for the dead and the assistance from other towns were enough to bring some kind of normal environment to the town but the scar was to great, and the things will be much worse:    The aid the minotaurs send, was only to wipe out more of the population, all young from 14 to 18 years old was arrested and killed.    The town took a lot of time to recover and never forgot the "minos aid".


90% Humans 10% Humans with elf blood


The primary form of economy is slavery.   The town has a lot of centuries of existence and boom with the ancient The two four war trading elfs and half elves as slaves.   The government is a council of merchants and the law are simple, has no great code of law; the law is with the ones that have more money.


Walls. 13 defense towers.   3 large doors for the inner town.

Industry & Trade

The town mostly deals with slavery.   As a desert zone has some mining and metalworking industry.   Recently, sculpt art is gaining importance and is being exported.   The major importation is grain and live stock.


The settlement has several watermills, silos and a small shipyard for river navigation. Is the main trading path.   A wall envelops the main buildings, indoors have 2 major districts: Merchant, with the government and guilds buildings and the market district. Outside are the sites for the slaves, the traveling merchants, the guards and the artist.   The inside town has a rudimentary sewers system and house baths.


A river divide the inner town in the two districts.   All the land is desert. 25 Km to the east are hills with the mines they exploit.

Natural Resources

River. Large fish.   Stone and metal mines.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym


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