Ice Island Geographic Location in Daimon | World Anvil

Ice Island

This is the northern region of the world only explored by a group of giants that never came back.


Nothing is known about this place to the people of the world because it is an extreme temperature region and is devastated by snow storms and lightning.  
It is a large island of pure ice, and the composition of the ice is unnatural maybe a god's "joke" or created for an unknown reason this way but the ice doesn't melt.  
It is a single block of ice in a perfect rectangle shape with 7 km of the base, west-east, and 4 km height, north-south. And only 2 Km deep in the ocean.
At the center of the island is a huge portal to the Plane of ice where these storms are a natural part of the environment, but the strange behavior of both storms is because the Ice Elemental living on the island.

Localized Phenomena

Here the snow storms are a constant. Sometimes even with chunks of ice instead of only snow, that can last even days, that's why some giant scholars and explorers think this region was created even with a purpose in mind but never quite finished.
More dangerous than the snow storms are the lightning ones, the only thing is they are not quite often but can easy kill or destroy with only one lightning strike.


The temperature range is from -24 °C to 0°, the last, only in the most heated time of the year.
  Even with the snow and lightning storms, the region has low rain precipitation, maybe because of the constant snow and the low temperatures weather is always freezing

Fauna & Flora

Only three major species live here:
  • Huge white bears, capable of surviving the cold weather and prey on large sea animals
  • A rare fungi, that seems to have some conscious mind cause they grow in regions where the lightning and the ice storms are less dangerous, as if they know where to thrive
  • Ice Elemental  roam the island.
Some algae and microorganisms are crucial for the carbon cycle in the ecosystem.


This site is inhospitable, the only expedition known at this moment was a 5 Giants team that, at this time, has not returned.

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The group of giant scouts is made up of 1 combatant, 2 scholars, and 2 scouts. They managed to have some rudimentary communication with the Ice Elemental that live in the area and went through the portal to the Plane of ice where they are exploring.
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