
Writer Kyran

A male Saurian writer of books about murders in an enigmatic, mysterious way; Apart from gnomes and humans, it is rare to find this type of literature

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Book Worm
Kyran’s path to becoming a writer was unconventional. Born into a family of Cocodrile breeder, he grew up in the secluded swamp where his father’s livelihood isolated them from the village. While his five brothers were destined to follow their father into the family business, Kyran found solace and inspiration in the written word. His father’s profession, however, unexpectedly fostered a love of reading. Regular interactions with human merchants, the only outsiders to venture into their swampy domain, exposed Kyran to a world beyond the crocodile pens. Through these encounters, he developed a voracious appetite for books, a passion that grew with each new story he discovered. Home-schooled alongside his siblings, Kyran's intellect flourished, leading him to pursue writing as a profession, a choice that diverged sharply from his family’s traditional path.

First book and a real-life mystery
Kyran's debut novel, a suspenseful tale of murder set within a Saurian village, marked the beginning of his literary career. A veteran human trader, Jasper Kael, instrumental in bringing Kyran's work to a wider audience played a pivotal role in its publication.
With the success of his first book, Kyran embarked on a new manuscript: A complex tale weaving together elements of Saurian mythology and human intrigue, eager to share his work with a wider audience, he entrusted the manuscript to his trusted partner, Jasper Thorne. However, fate intervened. Before the book could be published, Jasper vanished without a trace, taking with him Kyran's precious creation. Before disappearing without a trace, the trader provided Kyran with substantial financial support, valuable connections, and a modest dwelling in the human village of Penri. The abrupt departure of his patron added an air of intrigue to Kyran's life and work.

Person of interest
The transition from the swamp to Penri proved to be more challenging than Kyran had anticipated. As a Saurian in a predominantly human village, he faced prejudice and scorn. His newfound wealth, a stark contrast to his simple swamp upbringing, only exacerbated the situation. Adapting to human customs was a daunting task, but what truly tested Kyran was becoming the prime suspect in the disappearance of Jasper Thorne. A female law enforcer, convinced that Kyran had a hand in Jasper's vanishing, doggedly pursued him. Her suspicions were fueled by the substantial gifts Kyran had received from the trader.
Despite these adversities, Kyran managed to carve out a niche for himself within human society. Over time, he earned the respect of many and even forged a strong friendship with Anya Oley, the law enforcer who had once doubted him. His unique perspective, rooted in his Saurian heritage, made him a valuable asset in solving complex cases.

Second book and study
Kyran’s adaptation to human society was a gradual process. Surprisingly, he developed an unexpected affinity for fashion. A connection forged through Jasper Thorne introduced him to a skilled tailor who became both a business associate and a valued friend. His second novel, a gripping tale of a serial killer targeting individuals with "vices", as per the idea of the killer, and only in the middle of the month, proved to be a literary sensation. Kyran’s meticulous research, aided by his burgeoning knowledge of forensic medicine—a field he began studying with Anya's aid — added an authentic edge to the narrative. The book catapulted him to literary stardom, not just within Penri but throughout the Eastern Kingdom.
This newfound fame brought both acclaim and increased scrutiny, with Dwarven and Minos taking note. Yet, Kyran remained grounded, his experiences as an outsider shaping his perspective and fueling his creative fire.

A third book outside of his comfort zone
Kyran's third literary venture was a bold departure from his previous work. Commissioned by a wealthy Dwarven merchant, he was tasked with writing a murder mystery set within the heart of Dwarven society. The unprecedented offer of full financial backing, from research to publication, was a tantalizing opportunity. Yet, the challenge was immense. Despite his knowledge of Dwarven history, Kyran was largely unfamiliar with the intricacies of Dwarven culture, business practices, and religious beliefs. The book proved to be a demanding undertaking. Months of intensive research were required to immerse himself in the Dwarven world. The final product, while not achieving the same commercial success as his second novel, was a critical triumph within the Dwarven community. Kyran's meticulous attention to detail and respect for Dwarven traditions earned him an extraordinary honor: a bust in the heart of the Dwarven city, a testament to his contribution to their cultural heritage.

Jasper's fate
Jasper Thorne, the enigmatic trader who played a pivotal role in Kyran's early career, met a less fortunate fate. His dealings extended beyond the realms of legal commerce, encompassing the trade of non-divine magical artifacts, items strictly prohibited by Minotaur law. When his activities were discovered, the consequences were severe.
Faced with a crime punishable by death, Jasper's extensive network proved to be a lifeline. Instead of immediate execution, the Minotaurs opted to imprison him, recognizing the potential value of his knowledge and connections. His captivity became a strategic move, a gamble on the possibility of future benefits.


While his brothers followed the traditional path of crocodile breeding, Kyran's intellect led him down a different trajectory. Home-schooled in the secluded swamp, he developed a keen interest in language and history. Recognizing the limitations of the complex Saurian script, Kyran delved into the study of Dwarven runes, finding them more adaptable for written expression and easier to translate into the common tongue. This linguistic advantage would prove invaluable in his future endeavors. Saurian culture was largely misunderstood and often dismissed by other races as primitive and barbaric. Few outsiders bothered to learn the Saurian language or script, creating a barrier to understanding and appreciation. This isolation fueled Kyran's determination to bridge the cultural divide through his writing. His studies of human and Dwarven history, as well as his fascination with puzzles and enigmas, provided a rich foundation for his literary pursuits.

Current Status
Writing a novel petitioned by Minotaurs
Current Location
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
electric blue
160 cm
50 Kg
Known Languages

  • Saurian
  • Dwarven
  • Common 
  • Gnomish
  • A Few expressions of human dialect said in the region of Penri.


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Aug 22, 2024 01:58 by Glen

I need to remember to include some more spoilers like Jasper's Fate. I like making the distinction between what the reader or player knows and what the characters do.