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Mandiblis Infernalis

These creatures are believed to be remnants of a bygone era, a time when magic flowed freely and twisted the natural world. Some speculate they were a failed experiment by a powerful mage, others a curse unleashed upon the world, others think they are scarabs that come from the plane of fire or other similar places. However, with the fall of elven civilizations, much of the truth surrounding the Mandiblis Infernalis is lost.

Encountering a Mandiblis Infernalis Swarm:

These destructive swarms are a nightmare for any traveler unfortunate enough to be caught in their path. Their teleportation makes them difficult to predict and outrun. Fire, a common defense against insects, proves useless against their magical slime. The best course of action upon encountering a Mandiblis Infernalis swarm

Basic Information


Have the size of mice, though considerably more robust. Their exoskeletons are a dark obsidian, etched with arcane glyphs that faintly shimmer with magic.
  • Six powerful legs propel them with surprising speed.
  • Razor-sharp mandibles can tear through flesh and plant material with ease.
  • Compound eyes provide broad vision, while sensitive antennae pick up subtle magical fluctuations.
  • Glowing vents on their abdomens expel excess magical energy and the foul-smelling, fire-resistant slime that coats their bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduce by laying clutches of obsidian eggs in dark, secluded locations. The eggs are imbued with magic and hatch within two months, emerging as tiny, but ferocious, larvae. These larvae grow rapidly, molting several times before reaching adulthood in about 3 - 4 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Larvae: These ravenous grubs are driven by a singular instinct – to consume. They lack the teleportation ability of adults but are incredibly strong for their size.
  • Pupae: After a period of rapid growth, the larvae encase themselves in a hardened chrysalis, where they undergo a magical metamorphosis.
  • Cyclic Emergence: Every 2-3 years, a synchronized transformation sweeps across Mandiblis Infernalis populations. This dormant period within the pupa stage extends for most of the cycle, with a shorter period of rapid development leading up to the emergence. Here is when they rampage. 
  • Adult: The newly emerged Mandiblis Infernalis are smaller than their fully mature form but possess the full range of their destructive abilities.

Ecology and Habitats

Mandiblis Infernalis primarily thrive in hidden underground networks, venturing to the surface only during their emergence cycles. Though not confined to specific locations, their presence is often associated with areas of ancient magical activity. The elves, before their downfall, meticulously tracked these locations and implemented mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of the Mandiblis Infernalis swarms.

Even with these, the emergence was disastrous for the land and the elves have other magical methods of protection by "electrifying", using magic, creating a path for the swarm to follow, or simply deviating their current path; electricity prevents short-range teleportation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

During periods between emergence cycles, Mandiblis Infernalis are omnivores, consuming a variety of organic matter found within their underground networks. However, when a swarm emerges, their hunger becomes insatiable. They devour everything in their path, a relentless tide of destruction consuming living creatures, plants, and even non-organic materials infused with magic. This ravenous hunger and the sheer number of individuals in a swarm leave a path of devastation for kilometers.


  • Solitary (except during emergence): Infernalis are solitary creatures, drawn together only during their emergence cycles. During these periods, they form massive, coordinated swarms driven by a primal hunger.
  • Predatory: They actively hunt prey when not in a swarm, using their teleportation and powerful mandibles to overwhelm victims.
  • Rampaging Swarms: The most terrifying aspect of Mandiblis Infernalis is their cyclical emergence. These destructive episodes see massive swarms erupt from the ground, consuming everything around them in a frenzy. No known force can stop a swarm in this state, making them a terrifying threat to any who encounter them.

** The cyclical emergence of Mandiblis Infernalis is not directly tied to seasonal changes but rather an internal biological clock.
During this cycle they form a swarm of hundreds, no patron is registered they only take a path and go in a straight line until they are satisfied then a lot die, and the rest go to create new nesting sites.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Short-Range Teleportation: Can teleport short distances in bursts of arcane energy, appearing and disappearing in an unsettling blink. This allows them to bypass obstacles and ambush prey.
  • Fire Immunity: A thick, viscous slime constantly secreted from their bodies renders them immune to most forms of fire, both magical and mundane.
  • Tremor Sense: Sensitive feet perceive vibrations in the ground, allowing them to detect nearby movement.
Mandiblis Infernalis Swarm

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