Moon Chameleon Bracelet

An ancient magical elven bracelet to avoid detection, only 5 of those magical items exist now. The bracelet became a myth, a charm amulet to "protect" against evil spirits

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Essence: Depends on the material.
  • Minor: Chameleon Skin: Grants the ability to blend into surroundings like a chameleon, but only when stationary.
  • Major: Moonstone Essence: Enhances the chameleon effect, allowing blending even while moving slowly.
Enchantment: Depends on the quality of the material, to store the enchantment, as per enchantment itself.
  • Minor: Silence and Muffling: Mutes the wearer's sounds and slightly dampens their scent for a limited duration. (from 2 to 10 hours)
  • Major: Invisibility: Renders the wearer completely invisible to sight, sound, and even most detection magic for a limited duration. (from 2 to 3 hours)

Manufacturing process

Now is lost. 
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Crafting the Moon Chameleon Bracelet requires a skilled creation mage. The process involves the following steps:
  1. Preparation: The chameleon skin is carefully treated and preserved to maintain its magical properties.
  2. Metalwork (optional): If a metal base is used, the jeweler shapes and crafts it to the desired design.
  3. Moonstone Integration (optional): The moonstone is meticulously set into the bracelet, ensuring its magical energy can flow freely.
  4. Enchanting: The mage imbues the bracelet with transmutation magic, drawing upon the chameleon skin's natural properties. The moonstone (if used) further enhances the enchantment's strength and duration and can store the invisibility enchantment.
  5. Minor Enchantments: Enchantments like muffling sounds and no odor are added at this stage.
  6. Major Enchantment (optional): Here the mage can add the Whispering Wind to enchant the bracelet with a temporary invisibility effect.


In the twilight of an age steeped in elven magic, whispers of civil war began to tear. Two powerful factions, now forgotten, clashed over dwindling resources and conflicting philosophies. During this tense period, Elara Nightwhisper, a prodigy of crafting magic, crafted the Moon Chameleon Bracelets.

Elara envisioned these bracelets not as weapons, but as tools for diplomacy. By allowing elves to move unseen through enemy territory, she hoped to facilitate covert communication and foster understanding. However, her invention backfired. The bracelets were stolen before being used for their intended purpose, falling into the hands of an elven spymaster of one faction.

But as Elara's idea failed, so did the conspiracy, which only succeeded in uniting the factions against a common enemy that threatened both sides. Though successful, possession of the Moon Chameleon Bracelets became a taboo, punishable by exile. News of the bracelets, however, trickled down to the underbelly of the world. Human, dwarven, and even some elven thieves' guilds coveted their power. Through a network of informants and daring heists, the bracelets found new homes in the shadows, and the penalty for using these became more severe, even death in some places.

At this time, with the old magic forbidden, only 5 Moon Chamaleon Bracelets exist: 1 major bracelet is within the vaults of the Sun seeds. in Exor; 3 bracelets, one major and two minors, with the spectral assasin, and the last one, a minor bracelet, is in a small human shop, all ignorant of the power it have.

As with a lot of things in the world, these became a myth, in some human and dwarven settlements, people use bracelets, nonmagical, even not of the same materials; as a protective amulet against spirits.
While wearing these, spirits will not see you
           - A merchant selling a pair of moon chameleon bracelets
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Very rare
Estimated weight: 28-57 grams. This is based on the assumption it's made of a light metal like silver and has a medium-sized moonstone
Bracelet diameter: 6.3 - 7.6 cm - This allows for a comfortable fit on most wrists. Moonstone diameter: 1.9 - 2.5 cm - This size provides a good balance between aesthetics and functionality for the magical effects.
Raw materials & Components

  Chameleon Skin: A small, ethically sourced piece of chameleon skin forms the base of the bracelet. This skin serves as a conduit for the transmutation magic that allows the wearer to blend in with their surroundings and as hold for the minor enchantment.

Optional Materials: The chameleon skin can be secured onto a base crafted from either
  • Silver Base: A good choice for its lightweight nature and association with moonlight magic.
  • Mithril Base (rare): Incredibly light and strong, but much rarer and more expensive than silver. It enhances the overall durability of the bracelet.
  • Moonstone Centerpiece (rare): A large, high-quality moonstone further amplifies the bracelet's magical properties. It serves as a focal point for channeling and storing magical energy, allowing for stronger enchantments, particularly the invisibility effect.
  • Enchanted Thread: Delicate thread imbued with minor magical properties to enhance the bracelet's structure and durability.
  • Whispering Wind (major enchantment): By capturing the essence of the wind through magic, the bracelet could temporarily bend light around the wearer, granting the invisibility effect.


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