The Tenth Rune prophecy

This is the vision those who touch the 10th rune of the 12 prophetic runes artifact see


The tenth rune glows with an ominous, pulsating light. When touched, a vision of cataclysmic change unfolds. It begins with a serene image of a dark realm, a place untouched by time. Then, the image shifts abruptly: A figure, a Minotaur leader, stands at the central plaza in Exor , his face etched with a mixture of determination, arrogance and then fear.
A blinding light erupts, consuming the vision. The world outside is engulfed in chaos. Skies are ablaze, lands convulse; a deformed being and a beautiful one, rise from some kind of portal.
The vision is a mosaic of terror. Forests, once lush and teeming with life, are skeletal remains, charred and barren. The air is thick with ash, and the scent of burning flesh hangs heavy. Civilization is a fading ember. Villages are smoldering ruins, their inhabitants enslaved or eradicated. Cities, once bastions of hope, are now fortresses under siege, their defenders a desperate vanguard. Darkness.

The vision ends with fragments of a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. Figures of light, with wings as vast as the sky, descend upon a world bathed in shadow. Their faces, serene and compassionate, offer hope to a despairing humanity. Yet, a flicker of doubt, a whisper of unease, creeps into the vision. A glimpse of cruelty, a hint of coldness in their eyes. The light begins to dim, replaced by an abyssal darkness.
When the "other" rises: A monstrous form rises from the depths, its skin like molten rock, its eyes burning with hatred. Yet, amidst the horror, there is a flicker of intelligence, a spark of cunning. It reaches for the heavens, its defiance a stark contrast to its monstrous appearance. But as it grasps for power, its form begins to change, morphing into something...familiar.
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Aug 6, 2024 10:29 by Adrian Waite

I do like Minotaur's. I enjoyed this, felt like a biblical cleansing but with a darker motivation behind it.

It's Gravy Time!!
Aug 10, 2024 02:49

Thanks !!