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Faeris Lorawynn

Guild Master (a.k.a. Lady Lorawynn)

Faeris is the current guild leader of the Sultry Hearts. Without her skill and guidance, the Hearts would have died off long ago. With a semi legitimate business to base operations out of, it at least deters the local authorities, and this helped her get her footing and funding to expand the guild. She trains her sisters will in the arts of seducing others and retrieving sensitive information. It is said that Faeris herself provides her time to 'wealthy advocates' that frequent the Hearts halls. Do be wary, because although the Sultry Hearts don't make it a habit of killing, Faeris WILL defend her sisters and wont hesitate to slice your throat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very fit and attractive to both male and female.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faeris spent much of her early life on the streets as an orphan, stealing when she could and working near slave like conditions when she could not. Often she would find others like herself being beaten or taken advantage of in the streets, to which she often attempted to step in and defend them. Unfortunately, she lacked skill to do so, and found herself beaten and broken or more than one occasion. Little did she know that there were eyes watching her from the shadows, having taken interest in the strange girl.   One night, Faeris bit off more than she could chew and challenged three adult men. While the girl they had attacked managed to escape, Faeris found herself being beaten and nearing unconsciousness when a shadow slipped between the trio leaving all of them clutching their throats. And then she passed out...   She awoke later to find that a member of the Sultry Hearts had taken her in. The woman taught her how to fight, taught her the art of theft both of the physical nature and the intellectual, and finally, the art of seduction. From there, Faeris found her home and her family, and stayed there until this day, now as their leader.


Guild Master of the Sultry Hearts

Accomplishments & Achievements

At a young age managed to assume control of a failing thieves guild and turned it around to where it has become stable and successful. This has lead the Sultry Hearts to become a very influential faction within Cawold, even so far as establishing the Hearts headquarters named after themselves. This has kept the authorities off their backs for the most part and allowed them to flourish.   While being a thieves guild, Faeris has managed to prevent loss of life to both her own guildmembers as well as those they target. This is in part to Faeris' goal of procuring information over physical treasures.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very strategic, kind, and respectful but also very protective and intimidating.
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Purple

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