Erevan Ilesere

(a.k.a. The Chameleon, The Green Changeling, The Fey Jester)

Symbol: Star burst with asymmetrical rays
Never in the same place, Sacrifice stolen “treasures” whenever it feel appropriate.
Monthly gatherings (location → word of mouth)
joined by mischief loving creatures i.e. sprites sacrifices of beautiful objects (“borrowed”) dancing, wine-drinking, tale-telling, endless prank-playing
Boon Companion:
Aasterinian - an aspect of the draconic deity Hlal
Elven God of Mischief and Rogues Part of informal group of mischief makers - Brandobaris, Garl Glitterold and Tymora Draws the ire of “serious” Gods - Helm Fiercely devoted to Seldarine

Change and excitement are the spice of life Live on the edge, unbound by conventions of society in a spirit of constant self reinvention Puncture self-righteousness, sanctimony and pretension that pervades orderly society


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