Goblin (goblin)
One of the oldest species of the Underdark. They are small, but can be just as ruthless as an Orc. They have since spread to the Surface too. A stereotypical goblin is used to hierarchical structures in their lives, follow the strong, and are fine with murder, much like their old Underdali ways would suggest.
Basic Information
Biological Traits
Goblins have thousands of subspecies, each slightly different than the other, so they can have many different looks to them. We do not differentiate these subspecies since they change so rapidly we wouldn't be able to keep up. They usually have a greenish or yellowish color.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Omnivores, however their sense of disgust is a bit more dull than the average species, so they can consume things others wouldn't even be able to touch without puking.
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