The Enchanting

Religious event


To end humankind's relentless lust for power, the gods cast powerful magic upon the elven homeland, creating the Enchanted Wood. As the humans floundered in despair, Malorel granted them the gift of magic themselves, to fill the void Chaos left when it created them and to free them from its endless hunger.

As the humans' destructive quest for power raged unchecked, the nelfyns sang out to the gods to intervene. Hearing their chorus, Florian, the Green Lord and Drakala, the Queen of Beasts descended from Imlaes and wove a web of divine power throughout the whole of the elves' forest home. The web filled the plants, trees, and animals of the wood with a strange new intelligence, as well as a burning hatred for outsiders. Any humans caught within the wood during the web's creation became bound to it themselves, evolving into something both more and less than what they were: the wüldfrael.

Related Location
The Enchanted Wood
Related timelines & articles
History of Dálnaes