
Malus, sometimes called Daemons, are the inhabitants of Hel.   Their forms are greatly varied, from human-size Lust Malus, Detritimalus, and Elemesnos, to smaller Imps and Hellboars, to massive Pit Lords and Galezuul.   They have no one true coherence, although all are immune to fire and cold, though not all Malus enjoy both.

Basic Information


All Malus are hexapods or quadrupeds, although the exact limb order varies truly greatly.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most Malus reproduce by eggs or live birth after copulation with another Malus of their species. Sophont Malus, however, can interbreed with each other, resulting in offspring of the same species as the mother, and Lust Malus can also interbreed with humans and kolarii.

Growth Rate & Stages

Most sapient Malus grow at a similar rate to humans, but others grow at a rat similar to their apparent animal. Hellboars, for example, grow similar to pigs.

Ecology and Habitats

All Malus live in Hel, which varies between extreme heat and lava or frozen with all water frozen with no between

Dietary Needs and Habits

Malus are obligate carnivores.


All Malus are peaceful towards other Malus and seek peaceful means to settle conflicts between themselves.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most Malus live in cities similar to non-Hel ones, except these cities are deeply orderly and free of crime, as all Malus are peaceful with other Malus and seek the best options for nonviolent issues. However, these cities quickly mobilize when faced with a threat from outside.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Malus openly sell the parts of their deceased to other species, as almost every part of a Malus is highly valuable as a magical reagent. Malus Sinew is also highly valuable as an extremely durable heat and frost resistant strings for bows, instruments, and as magical ingredients. Malus Blood is similarly of high value. Malus parts of various kinds are actually Hel's largest export, as Malus who die from accidents are sold, as Malus don't see corpses as valuable.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

Human-like, although Hellboars and Galezuul are roughly as intelligent as chimpanzees.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Amlus are capable of humanlike eyesight, most are good at hearing, many have excelletn olfactory senses, and many can also sense magic.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Niddlebogs feed on Malus psychic energy, and are seen as mostly annoying but not harmful, similar to barnacles.   Infernal Barnacles latch onto Malus and filter feed on Hel smoke and frost in the air, and are seen as annoying but easy to scrape off.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Infernal and Abyssal are used as languages for the Malus. Infernal has long been used for administration, while Abyssal is used for more regular use, although all Malus capable of speech learn both.


Hel was invaded in roughly 400 AR by Olmis-worshipping kingdoms (Known as Olmisians) invading to exterminate the Malus. The Darke Council of Menrva helped stop the invasion, however.
Scientific Name
Family Helzooidae
Average Height
0.3 m-30 m (1-100 feet)
Average Weight
0.2 kg-10,000 kg (0.4-22,000 lb)
Average Length
1-30 m (3-100 feet)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most are variations of red, gray, and human skin tones. Many have scales, hair, and feathers in tandem.