
Sapioquirks are spirit creatures formed from a human's Qurik, and vary as much as Qurik themselves do.  

A Menagerie Of Forms

No one form is the norm for Sapioquirks. From Terran or Damarian animals, to fictional creatures, to odd fusions of creatures, to totally bizarre amalgamations of animalistic features, Sapioquirks have no one true body plan. However, all are small enough to either sit comfortably on their human's shoulder or head or small enough to be picked up. Thus, most are around 15 cm to 61 cm tall at their shoulders and up to 1.83 meters long, and weigh up to about 28 kg. Winged Sapioquirks have a wingspan up to 3.2 meters. Anyway it's seen, most Sapioquirks are small enough to be easily carried by their humans or stay out of the way. Even Sapioquirks who look like massive animals are this size. Purely aquatic Sapioquirk can breath water and can fly as easily as they can swim, and are usually around 4 kg and only 0.3 meters long.
All Sapioquirk can speak perfectly, and often know all the languages their human knows or has learned. They can also perform telepathy with their humans when within 36 meters of them. Many also come into the possession of a phone similar to their human's own, or give their human one so they can communicate if separated.

A Sapient Need

When Sapioquirks spawn, they will immediately ensure their human's wellbeing. If they are okay, the Sapioquirk quickly falls into line. However, should their human's emotional, mental, or physical wellbeing not be perfect or if they are threatened by something, they will focus on ensuring these things.
This often means they will halt all abuse, arresting their human's abusers and doxxing them. However, many in such situations will learn everything they need to know about their human's abusers over a month, then once a month has passed, immediately call local authorities and doxx the location and give the abuser's daily schedules and numerous weaknesses and steps to take to help their human. This sometimes mean they'll actually flee their human once they learn of the abuse to learn from the shadows before they get the arrests through, after which the Sapioquirk helps their human.
They can also use their human's Qurik at will and will often use it to take their abusers out, and will also train their human in its use.

Basic Information


No two Sapioquirks are alike. Thus, their anatomy varies wildly and rarely makes sense.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sapioquirks spontaneously form at some point in a human's life if they qualify for a Qurik, usually around their human's 13 birthday. However, the arrival of one is almost always less than a month before or after a human gains their Qurik, and often the same day.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sapioquirks spawn at a developmental stage equivalent to their human, meaning an infant capable of babbling and crawling will have their Sapioquirk spawn as a stumbling young offspring. After this, they age at the same rate as a human, becoming elderly when their human does.

Dietary Needs and Habits

No Sapioquirk needs to eat or drink, but certainly enjoys doing so if given its own food and drink. They instead depend on their human's wellbeing for sustenance.

Biological Cycle

All Sapioquirks who look like an animal with seasonal behaviors simply ignore them.


Sapioquirks always reflect the emotions a human either rarely feels or shows, and performs actions that the human rarely does or sees as an issue, serving as a foil for their human.   Irresponsible humans will often have a highly responsible Sapioquirk who will either be regularly thanked for helping them or often get annoyed expressions sent their way for nagging, for example.   They also always want their human to be emotionally resilient, physically okay, and mentally stable. They attempt to correct any issues they can.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sapioquirks always have a good relationship with their human, even if there's tension in it. They also often become friends with the human's relatives, or make enemies with some.

Average Intelligence

All Sapioquirks are sapient, and often a bit smarter than an adult human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Sapioquirks have the sensory ranges of their apparent species, and can sense their human's emotional, physical, and mental states at a glance. They can also telepathically communicate with their human easily.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Sapioquirks are born to humans with Quirk, and depend on them for sustenance via emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. They also die should their human die, but can reform if destroyed.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Sapioquirks are named by their human once they appear, but may have a new name selected if the human thinks their name is embarrassing, although this is rare. No Sapioquirk actually minds, as they always know when the human refers to them in conversation or when calling for them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Damarian Humans mostly see Sapioquirks as cool yet strange creatures, and those with them as cool by association. Many other species do as well.
Scientific Name
Qurik Sapiens
The same as a Damarian Human's
Average Height
Varies, similar to an animal they appear to be. Often lower than height, but also can be bigger, for animals like giraffes, primates, and other more vertical animals.   Larger animals are often downsized to be able to sit on a human's shoulder or easily be picked up. Many become 1-4 feet tall.
Average Weight
Varies, usually similar weight to animal they appear to be.
Average Length
Varies, usually 1-6 feet long. Wingspans of some species are up to 11 feet tall.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Many Sapioquirks have eyes of the same color as their human's tattoo's glowing. Many also have patterns that roughly match the human's tattoo pattern, especially if the species they resemble can have individual-specific patterns.