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Hedigans are average-sized land mammals with the power of earth. They are usually found in forests, using the materials nearby to build sturdy structures, like their homes or their shields. They are considered one of nature's original architects, as their rocky and crystalline structures have inspired humanoids for millennia. They also provided users of Terra Arcanis with a new way of manipulating earth and crystals. They also taught the early humanoids how to make sturdy buildings for all sorts of  



Hedigans have a rock-like exterior and long, prehensile tails. They have four strong legs with claws, which help them shape rocks to their liking. Their tails have many functions as they are quite strong and they can contract it to form a point at the end of their tails. Usually, they use their tail's contracted form to dig and its expanded form to hold onto things.   Hedigans also have sticky saliva, which they use to keep their structures intact. They will usually lick their building materials after forming the first layer, coating it in saliva. When their saliva "sets", then they add the rest of their materials to the next layer and repeat the process.  


They usually live in the rock structures that they make, or will make small burrows to live in. When they build their homes, they usually build in pairs as it's quicker, especially in the heat. When they are done, there is usually enough space for both of them to fit in.


White Hedigans

Red Hedigans

Green Hedigans

These Hedigans live in the White Forest. Their skin is light in colour, matching the rocks found in the forest. White Hedigans tend to spend most of their time in their makeshift homes because of the cold weather, but will come out in the summer to find food and water.
Red Hedigans are found in the Red Desert region of the New World. Their spines are red or orange to match the sandy rocks found there. These Hedigans will build their homes in the evenings when it is cooler and stay in them for most of the day. Only in the evenings or at night will they come out and hunt or search for water.
These Hedigans are found in the Jade Rainforest, which is rich in resources and materials. They are quite similar to their cousins in the desert, except their skin is a shade of green so they blend in with the rainforest. Their tails are also longer, allowing them to hold on to things and to dig holes in the ground.
10 years


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