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Land of Dreams

"Dreams are the safest way for us mortals to travel through the Spirit World. In fact, I heard it's a pathway to entering other realms, if you know how to walk through dreams."
— Wanda Sylastra, Brigadian librarian
  The Land of Dreams is a humongous realm within the Spirit Realms. It is the place where humanoids go when they fall asleep. Dreams are created and destroyed each night in the Land of Dreams and last for most of a person's sleep. Of all the realms found in the Spirit Realms, the Land of Dreams is one of the most accessible. However, there is one catch. A person cannot enter the Land voluntarily. They can't force themselves to sleep to enter it, nor can they enter it through a Spirit Portal.  

Laws of the Land

The Land of Dreams is powered by two things: Arcana and the imagination of mortals. Arcana is the energy found in all realms of the Spirit World, while imagination comes from any creature from the Mortal World that can think. It's these features together that give the Land of Dreams its unique, whimsical nature. Like other realms, the Land of Dreams does not follow the laws of the Mortal World. However, unlike other realms in the Spirit World, it also does not have many laws. In the Land of Dreams, almost anything is possible it seems, except for entering the Land itself.  

Geography of Dreams

Each dream is set in its own corner of the Land of Dreams, so the climate and geography varies between each one. There are few limits to how lands are formed in the Land of Dreams, and they can stay the same or change within one dream. In fact, because of the nature of dreams, there can often be a mixture of climates and weather patterns occuring at the same time.   Most people cannot control their environment in their dream. It is hard for mortals to influence the Spirit Realm, as it is not their domain. However, a select few can change their dream's geography and landscape while asleep. These people are also those who can travel from one dream to another, and are called Dreamwalkers.   The unique thing about the Land of Dreams, as opposed to other realms in the Spirit World, is that is it expansive and continues to grow. Despite dreams being created and destroyed each time, the Land is one of the largest realms found in the Spirit World.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dreamscape
Dimensional plane


Dreams aren't the only things created in the Land of Dreams. Nightmares can form too in certain corners of the Land. These have the same features as a normal dream, except the region tends to be more dangerous. The weather is often not the only scary part of a nightmare, as many people have found out. There are also some spirits who are happy to create nightmares to catch any wandering or lost dreamers, and use them for their own purposes.


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