Sentinel Nadja Character in Dankar | World Anvil
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Sentinel Nadja

The Guardian of the Realms

Sentinel Nadja is the Sentinel with the powers of Nature. She is usually depicted as a motherly figure to both the Sentinels and the other species. To many cultures, she represents care and selflessness.  


Nadja is often thought of as the protector and guardian of the environment. She often restores dying forests and jungles. She was also known to heal people.  


Like all the other Sentinels, it is not known where Sentinel Nadja went after she disappeared. Some cultures think she resides in the forests, disguised as a tree or the grass, but this has not been proven.  
"You still think they're actually out there?"

"Well, why would they leave so abruptly?"
— Two people talking in a pub


There are many legends relating to Nadja. It is thought that one can hear her talking to and laughing with the trees if they are silent.   Many people think Nadja was married to Sentinel Eliyas, because many pieces of artwork depicted the two together. However, this has not yet been proven.  

Churches & Orders

The Guardians of the Realms

This order gets its name from Nadja's title, which was the "Guardian of the Realms". They say that long ago, Sentinel Nadja entrusted a group of people to take care of the environment. This group later grew and became known as the Guardians when the Sentinels disappeared. Because of this, they hold Nadja in very high esteem, along with Eliyas, and patiently await their return. The order believes that if they restore the environment and stop humanoid activity from destroying it, then the Sentinels will return to reward them greatly.  

The Sentinel Path

"You would think, given all the info out there, that people would stop using their powers excessively. With all that stubbornness out there, it's no wonder the Sentinels left."
— Brie Fentada, deputy of the Sentinel Path
  The Sentinel Path follow the writings of the Sentinels, which talk about the connections between the spiritual and the physical worlds. They believe that whenever a person uses their powers, the spiritual world seeks to rebalance the world by taking a life or a part of the environment.   The Path praise Nadja a lot and also seek to restore the environment. However, they also aim to stop people using their powers excessively, which sets them apart from everyone else.


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