Sentinel Tristan Character in Dankar | World Anvil
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Sentinel Tristan

Sentinel Tristan is the Sentinel with the power of Construct. This allows him to create new objects from existing materials. To many species, he represented creativity and resilience.  


Sentinel Tristan used to create new technology to help humanoids advance. He wanted to help them better themselves, and for a while, they did. However, it seems this did not last for long, because there were less documents of ancient objects for a long time period. Scholars think Tristan abandoned humanity for a long time because they used their tech to hurt others. Because of this, many people believe he was one of the first Sentinels to disappear, although this may be false.  


Surprisingly, there are very few legends surrounding Sentinel Tristan. Many people say he was often the most reserved of the Sentinels and there were very few depictions of him in ancient artwork. The most common legend is that whenever Tristan laughs, thunder strikes. Many people in Veloras believe this, because it always thunders there.  

Churches & Orders

Sentinel Tristan is not a god, but that fact hasn't stopped anyone from worshipping him. He has notably fewer followers than any other Sentinel, because humanity has not made many new inventions or artwork for a long time, and he is blamed for this. He is also hated by the Sentinel Path and the Guardians, for creating weapons that have destroyed parts of Dankar. However, the few followers he does have follow him with a cult-like passion.  

The Church of Art

This church values creativity and ensures their followers have hobbies or jobs in the creative industries. They place Sentinel Tristan on a pedestal, as they believe he was the one to show humanity the way from their agricultural beginnings to the beings they are today. They often thank him in their homes and in church by offering one of their creations to him on an altar. The Church would document these creations and proudly display them on the altar.   This has not been proven, but the Church believes that at night, Sentinel Tristan passes over the buildings to examine the artwork that was created. They also aim to make creations that will not harm anyone else again, so that one day, Sentinel Tristan will return and help the humanoid species once again.


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