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Temple Guards

"They say they've been awaiting the return of their master. No-one knows for how long."
— A traveller
  The Temple Guards are a group of fighters who defend a temple found in the mountains in the Jade Rainforest. They say they are waiting for their master's return, but they don't say who their master is or why they disappeared. The Guards also refuse entry into their temple or its gardens, preferring to fight anyone off or chase them away.   The Temple Guards are not guards in the traditional sense. They don't wear any armour, simply a few robes and loose clothing for maximum flexibility. The Guards answer to no government, organisation or nation. In fact, it is not known where exactly they come from, or if they are even mortal.



"They keep to themselves almost all the time. Most will only ever see three or four. But it is these four who are the ones to watch. They guard their temple every day without fail."
— A local resident
  It is thought there are about 10-15 guards in total protecting the temple, but only 8 are seen on a given day. The others are backup, and may complete tasks inside the temple. The reason for this is unknown, but some scholars believe it is related to an ancient philosophy that they follow. The philosophy of the Guards is akin to that of a monk, as if observed from a distance, the Guards can be seen praying or meditating in their own way.   Each Temple Guard is given a title by the neighbouring community, based on their preferred choice of weapon. That is usually how they are identified, and is the only predictable thing about them.


The Temple Guards can equip a wide array of weapons, but each Guard specialises in one. Their specialisms is how people know how many Guards exist. Interestingly, they don't use any swords. Guards who prefer to fight in close combat tend to use staffs and whips. It is said they prefer not to directly harm people, which is why long-range Guards also don't use shurikens, but a special type of boomerang instead.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Rumours on the Guards

Nobody knows whether the Temple Guards have any powers. They don't seem to use any powers when they fight, but they could easily be augmenting their natural physique with Arcanis.   Some people think they could even be using powers not seen in Dankar, and that the Guards come from the Spirit Realms. Others think they are an ancient humanoid people who have not caught up to present day, explaining why they are waiting for their master.   Either way, these thoughts are not going away any time soon. The Temple Guards reveal little about themselves, simply committing to their jobs of preparing themselves for their master's return, while protecting their temple grounds.


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Aug 12, 2024 02:15 by Marjorie Ariel

I love all the rumors about them, from whether they have magical powers to how many there are. They also give off a bit of a Waiting for Godot vibe.

Aug 12, 2024 10:48

Thank you! My intention was a bit of Waiting for Godot, so I'm glad it got through!

Hope you have a fantastic day!