The Epic of Legends Document in Dankar | World Anvil
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The Epic of Legends

"When we hear the stories of our ancestors, we learn how they navigated the world. We learn the skills needed to survive in our lives."
— Karim Alsani, a magician during the Age of Triumph
  The Epic of Legends was a large piece of literature written sometime during the Age of Triumph. It was a collection of stories about the people who lived in the Red Desert region. Although most stories were lost to time, it is thought the stories spanned from the formation of the Red Desert's first countries to the civilisations seen in the Age of Triumph.  

Heroic Tales

The Epic of Legends contains short stories about a wide range of people. Despite the name of the text, it is thought that most of the people in the stories were real, historical figures. The stories show the brave and adventurous acts of many people living in the Red Desert, and served as inspiration for the cultures in the region.   The one message that can be found in every story, no matter the situation, is that there is hope to be found. The Red Desert was known to be very harsh and unforgiving, so the stories were something residents didn't know they needed, but held onto once they got them. That is why the Red Desert is known as the most hopeful region on the planet.  


Age of Triumph

"Not only did our Epic tell our stories, it also got others to share theirs. And that, is something truly valuable, especially cause of how much history was lost."
— Faysal Qaderi, Elven archaeologist
  The text was added to over the course of the Age of Triumph. In fact, most stories came from this era, which spanned around 2,000 years. However, the amount of stories written dropped significantly after the rise of the Eshon Empire, which oppressed many people in the Red Desert. However, the popularity of the texts and stories never waned, and only increased with time. It served as crucial inspiration to rise against hardships and oppression in the region.   The Epic of Legends also had fans across the world. Before, people used to share myths and tales orally. There were written scripts in the past, but they weren't widely used before the Age of Triumph. The closest to scripts were pictures people used to tell stories. After the first few stories were collected for the Epic, other cultures across the world started to record their stories in writing, to be passed onto the next generations. It made writing a mainstay in many cultures, and was used to preserve the cultures and languages of the Red Desert.  

Age of Discovery

Unfortunately, many stories disappeared after the Ice Age. The modern era saw the rise of adventurers, who wanted to recover the secrets of the past. Among these secrets were the stories from the Epic, which are still valued today. The people in the stories, many of them ordinary, who bettered themselves and changed their world was something that many admire. Despite the lost tales, the Epic of Legends became timeless, its stories speaking to many generations.
Text, Literature
Multiple (but most are unknown)


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