Jasimer Korvan Character in Dark-Fall | World Anvil

Jasimer Korvan

A much hated human

Jasimer Korvan is one of the few humans the Fae know by name, and it is not for any good reasons. He is the most hated human in the fae realms, due to his most monstrous actions. Jasimer was the assassin who killed the very first Arch High Fae, Celtin Nirmaris along with another influential Air Fae named Yleen Ikliass.  

Magic, the root of evil

Jasimer grew up in a family with strong opinions on anything "more than human". This included the fae, any creatures associated with them and also humans with Fae Marks that could do magic.  

The evil fae

His family fully believed that the fae were plotting against humans, and trained to become strong so they could defend their homes. When the fae never actually came to take over as they had expected, Jasimer took matters into his own hands and searched for years until he stumbled upon an, entrance to Alahon the seat of the High Fae Court.   He planned for months and then finally struck when he deemed it the best time. He managed to take out multiple fae, including two very high ranking individuals. Both Celtin Nirmaris, who was the acting Arch High Fae and Yleen Ikliass, the discoverer and architect of Alahon, died at Jasimer's hands. Jasimer was promptly executed by Celtin's servants, but it was too late to save the Celtin and Yleen.
1461 ADF 1497 ADF 36 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Ninne124


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