Nirmaris Family
Leaders of the Air Fae
The Nirmaris Family is a well-known and respected Fae family. The family are the leaders of the Air Fae and members of the family have held the title of High Fae of the Air Fae for many generations. References to the Nirmaris family can be found scattered all over fae history, both in art, warfare and place names.
The Nirmaris family have always been the pride and joy of the air fae. They tend to be smart and cunning and they've ensured their people's success through hard times.In the Nirmaris family, there is little space for slagging off or underperforming. Being born into this family means you're destined for great things, whether you like it or not.
A nice, short and sweet article, Ninne! Good clean layout as well :3
Maker of Maps
Thanks Dhel! ^-^