
The name of the Marked

Written by ninne124

A spell-caster is someone with the ability to use magic to alter the reality around them, also known as casting spells. The title of spell-caster is rarely used anymore, and it’s more common to hear people refer to them as Marked ones instead. The name was mostly used from around year 600 and until the year 1420.  
Oh, yes - I know about her, what shall we say, special qualities.   No, not her singing voice, you dimwit. She’s a spell-caster for light’s sake!
— Villager

History of the Title

The title was originally created for keeping track of spellcasters in the different countries and areas across the world. It was usually in a nation’s best interest to know which individuals harnessed such power. It was not uncommon for the marked ones to be taken away in the middle of the night if they were suspected of being part of an uprising or revolutionary group.  

The Week of Terror

Leaders around the world have always been worried about people with Fae Marks going against them, because of their ability to inflict damage much quicker than most other people.   The biggest roundup of Fae Marked people happened in 1372 in multiple regions across Dysvoll over the time span of a week. Multiple leaders of the northern Dysvollean countries sent soldiers on the same days to capture all registered spellcasters. Some escaped but most were held as prisoners for years on end before being sent away to other lands far away. Most were never heard from again and were thought to be dead by their families.   The week is known as The Week of Terrors and is something many Fae Marked people across Dysvoll remembers in different ways each year. Some hold dinners at their homes with their close family, others meet with other fae marked on special locations across the continent.
Alternative Naming
Fae Marked
Marked One
Related Species
Fae Mark
Condition | Jan 27, 2024

Fae Marks are bestowed by fae and give a human access to use Primal magic.

Cover image: by Ninne124


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Dec 16, 2019 10:14

Really interesting, I love that you took into consideration the larger consequences of having limited individuals with access to magic.   Whilst not necessarily related to this specific topic, reading this made me wonder: do some people that are feymarked not cast spells? On purpose or not, do some people get marked but never develop their "magic" skills?

Jan 27, 2021 14:40 by Corvo Branco

Given the long time magic power has been around among humans in your world, what kept those who have it from ascend to politic/economic/military power? Specially considering the genetic branch of this power.   That's a question I frequently ask myself as a reader. Because in real life noble lineages of ancient times, long before Bronze Age probably started as extended families of someone who was just a little stronger/cunning/luckier that average. Established traditional rights and obligations of nobility, with luck , they may end up becoming hereditary, and from that point on nobles will eat better, train more for battle, marry with other nobles. After a time you may have a visible difference between nobles and common folk that makes competition unlikely and provides social stability. Ad religion and you can have really long imperial lineages . My point being: it all started very small, with a subtle and contextual advantage well explored.   Even after several generations, nobles are still not super humans. Generally speaking. Most their power comes from better education, traditional hierarchy, and more protein in their diets.   If there is a tribe, and one of the fellows in this tribe is able to see the future , heal severed limbs magically, or kill enemies miles away with lighting bows (or even something considerably less imposing) how this person manages to not became the tribal leader? Then, eventually, the king.   Each time other individual disagrees with this person in a important matter at very beast the tribe will split. And those who follow the mage will have far better chance of survival than those who follow the non mage.   Unless magic do comes with some problem at least as serious as the advantages it represents for survival. Like mages being more often than not psychotic, who will slowly degenerate into dangerous murders of their own followers as they advance in age and power.