The Last Great War Military Conflict in Dark Londinium | World Anvil
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The Last Great War

As the world entered the 2030s, environmental collapse, along with a growing migrant population put great pressure upon the world and its governments. Successive attempts were made at a global solution, but the fear and hatred of the past could not be over come and war was inevitable.   For five years the nations of the world fought, each pushing for an advantage, bio-engineered solder's fought against mech suited warriors on the ground, while in the sky above automated drones led targetted strikes against key targets. Biological and nuclear attacks were common, which only further hampered nations abilities to stop their own environmental decline.   Eventually, the nations of the world were spent, and a peace was agreed, there was no further global efforts to resolve matters, each nation turned insular, and looked to its own. Owing to the toxic environment megacities, such as Londinium were common, often protected by biologically grown domes, or bio-domes.
Conflict Type


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