Bertrand Robillard Character in Dark Sun | World Anvil
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Bertrand Robillard

The Great one Galegar Torros (a.k.a. Tor)

The Story of this Half-Giant,   Well, it begins like all other stories of Half-Giants begins. Since we are not born but manufactures there must be a creator out there who made me…right ...Yes, he did.   Some crazed sorcerer tried the unthinkable and failed many times, maybe too many times. He wanted to combine drow blood to giants blood, it was utter madness to think of such abominable combination, nature would not have it. All the experiments he made never came to life, failure upon failure the sorcerer keep disposing of his creations. Dozens upon dozens, on his last attempt failure! Again, or so he taught. At first, I was lifeless and as with all his previous attempts he disposed of me hastily, but some spark of magic, some unknown force, I took my first breath surrounded by the bodies of my sisters and brothers that came before me. Did the combined life force gathered amongst all the previous attempts give me life?   The bodies were a rich and abundant source of food for scavenger, that day a mother bear caring for her cubs came to feed and found me, she never saw one move before? Her motherly instinct was to take me back to her den, her curiosity, maybe her intuition. Life will never reveal it’s reasons. She took me in as her own, feed me her milk, with my cub brothers and sisters. I adapted quickly as some of the remaining magic of my creation coursed through my veins, for the first few years of my life I matured slightly faster, some sort of unnatural animalistic progression.   Eventually realizing I wasn't a bear! but it didn't change my feelings I cared for my mother and siblings, until life showed me culture and the wonders of man, dwarves, and the other races of Athas, maybe the same curiosity that encourages my mother to take me in, made me seek new knowledge a feeling of belonging was hunting me. So I sot out small groups but scared them off with my imposing figure and my feral and primitive look’s wich sacred most travellers. But life still had surprises for me.   A man by the name of Kashuu found me, he had heard of beings like me! but never had he came across a half-Giant before. Luck would have it that he was a kind and gentle men, chances of me not being enslaved where slim, but life was kind to me, A retired mercenary that taken on the life of a well-respected merchant with his dwarven smiths. He catered to rich and powerful men offered highly skilled labourors. He was a remarkable negotiator and salesman, the dwarves where kind to teach me there trade. My strength and stature brought safety and comfort to my new found companions, I made fair urnings also in exchange for my services I learned new skills and fighting technics. Food and board were offered to all travelling with the caravan. Basic amenities but to me they were luxury.     I grew from a teenager to adulthood. Becoming a hulking brute, my time in nature had programmed some basic instinct of survival in the form of a bear spirit in me, my barbarian and primitive way gave me very rough edges I was incompetent in social skills but with the passing of the years, I’d become slightly more polished, but still a blunt instrument.   I learned the meaning of friendship and the pains of our society. Many offered to buy me. but my friend and mentor never gave it a second taught, he would reply I wasn’t for sale. He always played his cards right and had the last word no matter how persistent and how high the sum of money would get. I had learned then my first valuable lesson of life that honour and friendship have no price.   Now I am ready for adventure...where will life bring me to now?   Bertrand Robillard.


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Neutral GOOD
Bright Fire Amber
Scarlet red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
12' 8"
1280 Lbs

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