Tyrian Templar Bureaus Organization in Dark Sun | World Anvil
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Tyrian Templar Bureaus

Templars control Tyr's bureaucracy. Without the templar the city would grind to a halt and despite no longer having magical power to back up their power they still have red-tape and connections.
  • High Templar Astini is the Head Templar of the Administration Bureau, which keeps city records and facilitates communications between the other bureaus.
  • High Templar Banther is the High Templar of The Arena, which keeps the stadium in working order as well as organizes events.
  • High Templar Plinias is the High Templar of Defense, which maintains the army as well as field patrols.
  • High Templar Arbistor is the High Templar of the Fields Bureau, which controls all matters regarding agriculture and farming as well as food supplies.
  • High Templar Gennet is the High Templar of the Finance Bureau, which controls city taxes and the treasury.
  • High Templar Linder is the High Templar of the Gardens, which maintains the king's gardens.
  • High Templar Borger is the High Templar of the Mines and oversees all of Tyr's mining operations, especially the iron mine.
  • High Templar Caldon is the High Templar of the Public Works Bureau. High Templar Caldon manages the construction of public and private structures within the city-state.
  • High Templar Drak is the High Templar of the Security Bureau, which is responsible for all intelligence operations within and without..
  • High Templar Hirikis the High Templar of the State Bureau, which is responsible for liaising with the other city-states and large towns.
  • HHigh Templar Finneal is the High Templar of the Trade Bureau, which manages all trade within the city and liaises with the merchant houses.
  • High Templar Girias is the High Templar of Water, which manages Tyr's water.


Titles: High Templar, Senior Templar, Templar Overseer, Templar Centurion Templar Heavy Infantry, Templar Archer Brigade

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