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The Dead World

  Arcadia. A jewel of a world in the center of Eastspace, more popularly known as the "Quad". Arcadians only ruled the Quad once since the age of Discovery but their system of "freedom first" allowed the other worlds to grow and become a threat. Although never conquered, Arcadians found themselves always having to fight one battle or another just to maintain the peace of the sector and to have access to the Gate. Arcadia found themselves losing ground in the outbreaks sparked by the Wars of the Blade, until the EMFs sprang up. Then, lead by the 46th they found their strength and began to restore order to the Quad. Then...the unthinkable happened. The Daliuns secretly launched an ELE weapon at Arcadia. Designed to destroy all plant life, the ELE weapons rendered Arcadia dead in a week and the toxic waste killed billions of Arcadians. Most of The Survivors were taken in by Arenia, Arcadias brother planet, as refugees but others made their way about the Known seeking to thrive or just survive. The Arcadian Fleet rallied and managed to keep their home system defended but raiders still make their way inside, finding Arcadian outposts vulnerable to sneak attacks. Current tech could restore Arcadia but the ELE weapon remains in the atmosphere, rendering all attempts useless. Now many of Arcadias survivors live in Salvation Station; the massive, hastily assembled group of thousands of space stations, ships and bio-domes. Salvation is so massive it can be clearly seen as a gray “haze” hovering over the dead planet. Some parts of the station are so jerry-rigged, that they are too hazardous to house people or vital equipment. As areas fall into disarray, they are cut off and if feasible jettisoned. Some compartments are over crowed while others are abandoned. There is a thriving underground criminal element alive and well in the hidden corners of Salvation. Several disasters have fallen the massive array of stations from wide decompressions to wide radiation exposure to entire sections falling back down onto the planet itself. Two of the biggest disasters were the falling of the “A”, the repurposed 46th Task force ship that was sabotaged and dropped into the Arcadian Atmosphere and the sacrifice of “????” station, a biodome home to several thousand Arcadians. The Junns dropped a particularly nasty Bio-weapon onto Arcadia which was designed to route out a particular genetic necessary to help the Junn Lords become fertile again. The bio-weapon works by mutating every DNA based lifeform it comes into contact with. In most life forms this results in a catastrophic and energetic release...a literal burning! In others the energy provides the momentum for the mutation...turning lifeforms into nightmare versions of themselves. In Arcadians who are not turns them into unstable monsters. The situation is kept from public knowledge while the Arcadian government...what's left of them...try and find a way to kill the virus...which moves over the surface of the dead world in packs searching for untainted DNA to mutate. There are survivors on Arcadia...trapped in Bio-domes and underground facilities but they will not be able to hold out much longer. Attempts to recover the planet or rescue the survivors usually end in disaster as the mutants are able to attack without detection due to the dense cloud of biological material floating in the atmosphere...a cloud from the combustion of the life that was destroyed. Locals: Libertine Tri-Valley Buckets Hollow Farlands Embrezia Uero N’Rin   “Never visit a grave more than once.”- DS Four types of people distinguished by their names. One syllable names: Ral Ord etc… Two syllable last names… Perrin Molon etc… Brython names… Laura Croft etc… Creole names… Jean Barolette etc…   Many people are some mix of the four. Pack Loren…   Salvation Station   Landing on Arcadia is outlawed but hard for the remnants of the ADF to enforce. Though with the number of orbiting facilities incursions are easily monitored.
created by Howard Night

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