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Coalition of Free Worlds




  The New Regime was begun by several major worlds. Some were free worlds others were worlds run by distant Cassad related ambassadors tired of the major families rule.

1) The Brythons

The Brython Kingdom

2) The Kujiunga Na

  – The alliance of former Empire ambassadors. It is represented by the Denir, the highest ranking ambassador family claiming direct relations to the Alaafin (the emperor)

3) The Conglomerate

– A collection of corporate planets united to destroy the Empire monopoly on certain industries, most notably energy and food.

4) The Green Federation

– Planets dedicated to the dissolution of the Empire and a return to the Dark Age. They abhor space travel and have been suspected in the destruction of key gates.

5) Kur Dak

– The Alien alliance. A volatile alliance of ‘alien’ planets which secretly supported the rebel. Their loyalty to the regime is suspect.

6) The Marajeshi


7) ??

  THE MEMBER WORLDS Members of the New Regime but not on the Council. These worlds are also NOT under the rule of any of the SEVEN   The Junns The Junns The Tennace Tennace The Appogoi The Gaspara Gaspara The Norlans The Nth Consortium A Criminal Organization

Petitioners for membership

The Giaks The Virogen
Alliance, Generic

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Articles under Coalition of Free Worlds


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