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Dame Nyakati Kale


     One of the elite and chosen Knights of the Realm of Brython, Dame Nyakati Kale is not as well known as some of her peers but that makes her history no less amazing.
    Dame Kale was FOUND by a Zarian spy ship that was doing reconnaissance in the Brython home star cluster, Angevin, when they happened upon a deep space colony ship built and launched from BEFORE the Dark Age. A ship was built to chase light as it made it’s way to a star system with several planets in the home stars habitable zone.
   The passengers were all frozen in a form of hibernated suspension that allowed them to make what was supposed to be a 500 year journey, (which, due to time dilation, would have been only 50 years of suspended sleep)
    But something went terribly wrong. The ship lost it’s way at some point and drifted far off course. Instead of pushing light for 500 years they drifted through the Dark Age, the Age of Discovery and were not found until after the Kujiunga Na Conference, more than 1300 years!!
   The only reason the ship was detected was because the massive STL engines had finally failed and the ship was slowed by particle pressure and the gravity wells of scores of stars in the Angevin cluster.
   The ship was boarded after several failed attempts to make contact and quickly explored. Of particular interest was the Pre-Dark Age data the ships computer library contained.
   The ship was at that moment boarded by a Brython Security ship that had been tracking the Cassad spyship. This forced the Cassad to purge the computer and destroy the hibernation matrix of the sleeping colonists. Of the 30,000 plus colonists sent on the hopeful mission only one awoke as the chambers lost power.
   The Cassads managed to destroy the Brython ship, stranding the “away team” aboard the colony ship. Nyakati Kale awoke to a DARKer Universe than the one she left. Through some miracle she survived the purge and awoke in the now failing colony ship to find a war between the Cassad espionage crew and the Brython security forces. She attempted to save the ship and recover the slowly dying colonists. But the ship was faltering and caught in the gravity well of a passing rogue planet. She could not save the sleeping colonists but she did manage to save the Brython crew and escape in the colony explorer ship before the colony ship broke apart from gravitational stress.
   Kale returned the crew to Brython space where she was brought before Lord Brython and the Prime Cathol themselves.
   There was an extreme amount of doubt that she had survived from the Pre-Dark Age but her tale of survival and her saving the Brython crew members from a Cassad spy mission gained her favor and Bython citizenship. Being found wearing a small gold cross around her neck was enough proof of her faith to the Cathol leadership who accepted that she had been baptized.
   She volunteered for service and was immediately inducted into the RSS where she excelled over the years until after a series of epic missions she was Knighted by the Prime Cathol.   But even Dame Kale doubts her own origin. For one, although she awoke with full knowledge of the colony ships operating system she was completely unaware that she was on a space ship to begin with. Her last memory was not of embarking on a mission to the stars but rather of being given the title of astronaut… at the United States… in the 20th century.
   Throughout her career she has been attempting to discover how she came to be on the colony ship and what happened to earth. Her only hope, is to track down the data the Cassad spy ship stole and transmitted from the colony computer library.     Dame Kale is an accomplished pilot, investigator and mission specialist. She has Brython degrees in Engineering, interstellar law and environmental systems.
created by Howard Night

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