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The Prison World

Deggar: The Prison planet, Deggar was the last outpost, of the last civilization to fall to the Cassad Empires domination over a millennia ago. The Last Holdouts were able to strike at the Cassad forces all across the Known and then retreat to the hidden remote world without using any of the Gates. The Cassad tracked them for decades as they held out. Then Finally found and captured the hidden world with the effort of their Empire and several of the annexed civilizations. But the Holdouts escaped to parts unknown, never to be found. What was found was something so impactful that the Cassads killed the coalition forces that helped them capture the planet to keep it a secret. And to further that goal they made the planet a prison planet of such reputation that it would be sought out by no one. Deggar has an acidic ocean filled with anthropoid life forms. The acid is incredibly volatile but the atmosphere of Deggar remains breathable to human life although hazardous. There are only two man made facilities on the planet: the two prisons separated by gender.     A habitable world but only by the most hardened creatures. With few land masses, almost the entirety of the surface of this world is covered in an acid ocean. The air is caustic and only breathable in small areas about the island chains. The sea and shallows about the islands are filled with aggressive, horrid creatures that thrive in the burning waters. The star system the planet inhabits is just as unwelcoming. Five massive gas giants sweep about the system putting out almost as much radiation as the white star they orbit. Each is followed by unstable groups of asteroids riding in trojan orbits that criss-cross each other often enough the fill the system with rogue meteors that make travelling the space lanes a game of roulette. This is where the Cassad send enemies of the state.
created by Howard Night
The Sisters; Barri, Striva and Hamila.
Kai San Vega

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