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More than 1,000 cycles before the Trial of Khalid Cassad, the world Dnalrow had a population mostly filled with genetically enhanced individuals made to survive the planet's harsh environment. They developed a military around a special unit called the 2,000 Crows, which essentially was 2,000 Captain Americas led by the fiercest of their number, Zagu Brownstone. In the Battle of Idrac, Zagu battled Shaka Zulu Cassad in single combat for nineteen straight hours on the Death Plains before falling the the Cassad. It existed in a system with only two planets, Dnalrow and Idrac, around an unstable red supergiant. Shaka sentenced Zagu to serve out his time on a remote world, pushing a button every 600,000 pulse seconds or so (or so Zagu remembers), with the promise that if his happened, Shaka would make sure Dnalrow spun on forever. In reality, Zagu was taken by Cassad scientists and cloned, but the clones had a flaw that meant they would go insane inside of a cycle and have to be destroyed. 2,000 of these Zagu clones were placed in the Brownstone Confinement Center on the world designated OGQCFX-1215, and whenever one went mad, it was destroyed by the automated monitoring system there and another would be awakened, thinking it had just lost the battle to Shaka weeks before and charged with continuing the sentence. The monitoring system would quietly create another clone to replace the one that woke up, a last resort weapon that the Cassads kept in storage but ultimately kind of forgot, fading into a kind of ghost story for their family. Dnalrow was kept under strict confinement, some of its people allowed to leave and work for limited periods of time as miners or heavy laborers, but always forced to return. 300 cycles before the trial of Cassad, the star in the Dnalrow system became unstable and threatened the worlds there. Idrac was evacuated by the One Million, a research world where scientists and thinkers tried their best ideas. Dnalrow's population was deemed too dangerous to spread throughout the Known and the world died. The only surviving family went into hiding in the wilds of a Giak world and are unknown to the Known.
created by Hannibal Tabu

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