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The 46th Arcadian Defense Task Force

The Giant Slayers

  The Arcadian Defense Force 46th Task Force was due to stand down and be redistributed when the Wars of the Blade made their way to Quad space. Despite being under manned and lead by under performing and wounded Capital Ship, the 46th were pressed into service. A young NCO, Jhan Ayrs, was commissioned by the 46th XO to head up and train a new unit to combat the new conditions of the WOTB. Ayrs, call sign OMEGA, commissioned the centuries old Raptor armor and the Lance particle weapons for his team. Using these weapons as well as unconventional tactics and vehicles the 46th quickly became the stuff of legend throughout their small sector of space. During their tour of duty the 46th discovered evidence that the Daliuns were prepping ELE weapons. Upon finding one they attempted to covertly return it to Arcadia to prove to ADF High Command that the Daliuns were planning to invade and destroy Arcadia. But the plan goes bad as the Giaks launch their own assault on Arcadia at the same time. The Daliuns use the attack to launch another ELE weapon and blame the 46th for it. Knowing the ELE attack is a prelude to invasion the 46th break formation and travel to Daliun space to assault the Junn invasion force before they themselves can attack. The 46th disable the invaders command structure and give Arcadia the time they need to evac the homeworld and rally their own defenses. But the 46th are still blamed for the ELE attack and a warrant is issued for their arrest. The Task force commanders turn themselves in but the Raptors, Omegas unit who were blamed for the attack, go AWOL. Since then the rogue members of the 46th have turned up throughout the Known as mercs for hire or security specialists. There have even been rumors that former members of the 46th have turned up on opposites sides of conflicts. Most notable is the rumor that Pack Loren has taken to hunting down his former squad mates...and killing them.  

46th Defense Task Force:

  46th Task Force Commander: ASF. Commodore Tavarez   46th Task Force XO: ASF. Captain Hils 46th Task Force DO: ASF. Commander Robb   Capital Ship: The Eagle Atmospheric Assault ship, Arcadia class, Arcadian 978 CO: ASF. Captain Hils X/O ASF Commander Tose   Flight 130 Commanding Officer: ATF. Major Jhan Ayrs (Omega)   XO: ATF. Captain Grey (Longboy)

create by Howard Night
Military, Special Operations Force

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Character flag image: by Howard Night


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