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The Night Whisperer

Four hundred sixty cycles before the Trial of Cassad, the battle station Glory of God was commissioned by the old balogun Damion Asante to provide support for the Cassad military forces between the Quaznian expanses and the core systems. Upon launch, the Glory of God was positioned a light pulse past the largely uninhabited garden world Cendrell, which was used for raw materials and where a seven hundred hectacre farm was located to grow food for the station and its visitors.     Between flare ups with random parties, pirate groups and marauders, the Glory of God served the Cassads for two hundred and sixteen cycles before a runaway Brython eoten slammed into it and rendered it unsuitable for Cassad standards. The station was essentially abandoned and left adrift, every useful bit of weaponry and technology stripped from it.   Thirty cycles before the Trial of Cassad, the Glory of God was discovered drifting towards a singularity by the privateer Ramit Varadharajan. Allying himself with some of his regional rivals Miller Dawuni and LaShonda Omer, the three bands of pirates were able to repair and restart the engines, getting the old station out of the gravity pull before the point of no return. Together, all three crews repaired and renovated the ship with the plans to recreate the Cassad’s plan, but for the scum of the galaxy, not its rulers.   After applying a non-reflective black matte coloring to the entire station, it came to be colloquially called the Night Whisper, a secret in the skies. Dawuni used his old contacts in the Zande to secure the best possible stealth technology to help the ship evade detection while Omer’s brilliance in hacking the Hub allowed communications to flow freely without the normal means by which the sender could be located. Varadharajan, however, had a better idea: a casino, where money could steadily flow into the group’s coffers.   Establishing a space for every possible game of chance, including prize fighting and live hunts, the Revelry Casino was born and launched at an invitation-only event to the upper crust of the Known’s criminal element.  Varadharajan spent more than two cycles crafting the experience with tiers, the elegance and economic strata rising with height, each level looking down on the ones before it, each with a different buy in. Omer sent out the call to the galaxy’s most prominent practitioners of the pleasurable arts to come co-own and establish the Lush Pillow, a seven story brothel near the casino that had something for every passion and inclination. Finally, the station’s lowest levels were secured for The Exchange, a marketplace where almost anything short of actual people could be bought and sold. Each founder was very adamant that their lifestyle was one of choice, so any sign of coercion or undue control over anyone else was strictly regulated by the ruthless and lethal pirates from the original three crews, which came to be known collectively as The Organization.   In the intervening years, Dawuni passed away after ignoring warnings about eating too much venomfish but Omer and Varadharajan grew gray and comfortable in their partnership. They were able to add forbidden weapons from all over the Known, making the Night Whisper one of the most secure places in the galaxy. A number of expatriate military veterans came to serve on the security staff of the Organization, recruited by supervisors who were financially rewarded with both performance and satisfaction scores from their employees. The Organization offered new identities as a matter of course, and Nealayan Zuma recruited an Arcadian special operator known as Nikole Asana to work on the Night Whisper as one of their Minders (“They make sure you mind your manners,” Omer infamously said) until a Conglomerate talent manager offered a finder’s fee for a counterintelligence operative that Zuma could not refuse, learning to Asana’s association with the Conglomerate.
"… a casino ensconced in a space station, an abandoned and derelict Cassad battle platform that had seen its last fight. It was a mobile destination for debauchery and vice …"
created by Hannibal Tabu based on the Battle Platform concept by Howard Night
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