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The Stack

The Stack

 is a colloquial name for a series of three stars that rest in relatively close proximity deep in Unknown space. Their linear alignment is so precise, it’s believed they were artificially moved or constructed by a pre Dark Age civilization. The stars are at a point deep in the Unknown, and regarded by explorers as a curiosity and too much of a risk for resource expeditions or colonization. Exploration became even less likely as the Cassad Empire’s grasp continues to falter. Averator Amadi Zele has spent years searching for evidence of pre-Cassad tech and this is his best lead yet. The purpose of the Stack is a mystery. Moving a star could be an interstellar species’ form of monument building, but upon arrival, Amadi believes the stack serves some functional purpose. Amadi’s expedition—just after The Trial of Cassad—only heightens his certainty in his theory. The middle star of the system has three planets inhabiting different points of the exact same orbit. There’s one thing out of place, a massive ship orbiting the star like nothing the Known has ever witnessed.
created by DaVaun Sanders

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