BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Soulspring 21 2023

Created by

Writers Team

Eons have passed since the cataclysm. The God's stopped answering prayers. The dead rose and began stalking the living.The skies burned and rained fire. Whole continents were flooded.   With such a population loss, what used to be huge cities are now only half occupied and some villages and towns have been abandoned all together. After the dust settled, the survivors found the meteors were not just rocks.   They come in all shapes and sizes, with jagged irregular edges. They are smooth like a dark mirror with flecks of light, like stars just beneath the translucent surface. Each is unique and bestows a costly power when touched. It became accepted these "Blight Stones" are indestructible and immovable.   Their purpose is unknown. The power granted by controlling the location of a "Night Shard" has become the driving force of every culture. Already kingdoms have risen and fallen in the shadows of these stones.


Echoes of Abbadin

Homebrew / In Development

DarkMoors Campaign setting
